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-- Deploy camper:booking__payment_fields to pg
-- requires: booking
-- requires: positive_integer
-- requires: nonnegative_integer
set search_path to camper, public;
alter table booking
add column address text
, add column postal_code text
, add column city text
, add column country_code country_code references country
, add column email email
, add column phone packed_phone_number
, add lang_tag text not null default 'und' references language
, add zone_preferences text not null default ''
, add subtotal_nights nonnegative_integer not null default 0
, add number_adults positive_integer not null default 1
, add subtotal_adults nonnegative_integer not null default 0
, add number_teenagers nonnegative_integer not null default 0
, add subtotal_teenagers nonnegative_integer not null default 0
, add number_children nonnegative_integer not null default 0
, add subtotal_children nonnegative_integer not null default 0
, alter column number_dogs type nonnegative_integer
, add subtotal_dogs nonnegative_integer not null default 0
, add subtotal_tourist_tax nonnegative_integer not null default 0
, add total nonnegative_integer not null default 0
, add currency_code currency_code not null default 'EUR' references currency
alter table booking
alter column zone_preferences drop default
, alter column subtotal_nights drop default
, alter column number_adults drop default
, alter column subtotal_adults drop default
, alter column number_teenagers drop default
, alter column subtotal_teenagers drop default
, alter column number_children drop default
, alter column subtotal_children drop default
, alter column subtotal_dogs drop default
, alter column subtotal_tourist_tax drop default
, alter column total drop default
, alter column currency_code drop default