
100 lines
4.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 jordi fita mas <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
{{ define "title" -}}
{{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
{{ if .ID }}
{{( pgettext "Edit Campsite" "title" )}}
{{ else }}
{{( pgettext "New Campsite" "title" )}}
{{ end }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "breadcrumb" -}}
<li><a href="./">{{( pgettext "Campsites" "title" )}}</a></li>
{{- end }}
{{ define "content" -}}
{{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
{{- if .ID }} data-hx-put="/admin/campsites/{{ .CurrentLabel }}"
{{- else }} action="/admin/campsites" method="post"
{{- end -}}
<h2>{{ template "title" .}}</h2>
{{ CSRFInput }}
<fieldset {{ template "init-lang" . }}>
{{ if .ID }}
{{ with .Active -}}
<input type="checkbox" name="{{ .Name }}" {{ if .Checked}}checked{{ end }}
{{ template "error-attrs" . }}>
{{( pgettext "Active" "campsite" )}}<br>
{{ template "error-message" . }}
{{- end }}
{{ else }}
<input type="hidden" name="{{ .Active.Name }}" value="true">
{{ end }}
{{ with .CampsiteType -}}
{{( pgettext "Campsite Type" "input")}}<br>
<select name="{{ .Name }}"
{{ template "error-attrs" . }}>
{{ if not $.ID }}
<option value="">{{( gettext "Select campsite type" )}}</option>
{{ end }}
{{ template "list-options" . }}
{{ template "error-message" . }}
{{- end }}
{{ with .Label -}}
{{( pgettext "Label" "input")}}<br>
<input type="text" name="{{ .Name }}" value="{{ .Val }}"
required {{ template "error-attrs" . }}><br>
{{ template "error-message" . }}
{{- end }}
{{ with .Info1 -}}
<legend>{{( pgettext "Info (First Column)" "input")}}<br></legend>
{{ template "lang-selector" . }}
{{ range $lang, $input := . -}}
<label x-cloak x-show="lang === '{{ $lang }}'"><span>{{ $lang }}</span><br>
<textarea class="html"
name="{{ .Name }}" {{ template "error-attrs" . }}>{{ .Val }}</textarea><br>
{{- end }}
{{ template "error-message" . }}
{{- end }}
{{ with .Info2 -}}
<legend>{{( pgettext "Info (Second Column)" "input")}}<br></legend>
{{ template "lang-selector" . }}
{{ range $lang, $input := . -}}
<label x-cloak x-show="lang === '{{ $lang }}'"><span>{{ $lang }}</span><br>
<textarea class="html"
name="{{ .Name }}" {{ template "error-attrs" . }}>{{ .Val }}</textarea><br>
{{- end }}
{{ template "error-message" . }}
{{- end }}
<button type="submit">
{{- if .ID -}}
{{( pgettext "Update" "action" )}}
{{- else -}}
{{( pgettext "Add" "action" )}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}