Almost all request will need the database connection, either because
they will perform queries or because they need to check if the user is
logged in, for instance, so it should be acquired as far above as
possible to avoid acquiring multiple connections.
This is specially true since i have to pass the cookie to the database
to switch role and set and request.user.cookie
config variables. I do not want to do that many times per request.
It is a lot of code having to check the login variables inside the POST
handler, and i could not mark each input field individually as invalid
because the generic errors array i was using did no identify which field
had the error.
Thus, i use more or less the same technique as with Numerus: a struct
with the value and the error message. This time the input field does
not have the label and extra attributes because i believe this belongs
to the template: if i want do reuse the same form template, i should
create a common template rather than defining everything in Go.
The name is a bit different, however, because it has meaning both to the
front and back ends, as it needs to be exactly the same. Writing it
twice is error-prone, as with a rename i could easily forget to change
one or the other, and here i see value in having that in Go, because
it is also used in code.
I now actually handle the /login URL and check whether the email and
password are valid, creating the session cookie if correct, but doing
nothing else with that cookie, for now.
The validation is done by hand for now, because i do not yet how i will
actually do it without so much duplication.
It does nothing more than to server a single page that does nothing
This time i do not use a router. Instead, i am trying out a technique
i have seen in an article[0] that i have tried in other, smaller,
projects and seems to work surprisingly well: it just “cuts off” the
URI path by path, passing the request from handler to handler until
it finds its way to a handler that actually serves the request.
That helps to loosen the coupling between the application and lower
handlers, and makes dependencies explicit, because i need to pass the
locale, company, etc. down instead of storing them in contexts. Let’s
see if i do not regret it on a later date.
I also made a lot more packages that in Numerus. In Numerus i actually
only have the single pkg package, and it works, kind of, but i notice
how i name my methods to avoid clashing instead of using packages for
that. That is, instead of pkg.NewApp i now have app.New.
Initially i thought that Locale should be inside app, but then there was
a circular dependency between app and template. That is why i created a
separate package, but now i am wondering if template should be inside
app too, but then i would have app.MustRenderTemplate instead of
The CSS is the most bare-bones file i could write because i am focusing
in markup right now; Oriol will fill in the file once the application is