Had to create a custom build of CKEditor with the following plugins
* Autoformat
* Block quote
* Bold
* General HTML Support
* Heading
* Image
* Image caption
* Image resize
* Image style
* Image toolbar
* Image upload
* Indent
* Italic
* Link
* Link image
* List
* Media embed
* Simple upload adapter
* Source editing
* Table
* Table toolbar
* Text transformation
The important bit is the “Simple uploader adapter”, that i modified to
upload the file as `media` instead of the default `upload` (i.e.,
modified ckeditor.js to replace "upload" with "media").
I also had to add the CSRF header somewhere in the HTML document for
JavaScript to be able to retrieve it and pass it to the uploader
adapter, or i would have to disable CSRF validation in that form, which
i did not like at all.