I can not use <a> in that map because Leaflet handles the mouse over
before the anchors sees it, thus it is impossible to click on them; i
have to use a Leaflet layer.
Fortunately, i can just use the <path>’s coordinates as
the polygon points, because with CRS.Simple the coordinates map to
pixel, except for the reversed Y/latitude coordinate. Unfortunately,
<path> coordinates are not straightforward to get: I have to follow the
drawing coordinates, taking into account the current transformation
(CTM), and keeping the last point around for relative coordinates.
Bézier curves are simplified to a straight line from start to end.
There is one single accommodation that started with a relative move
command (m), which apparently have to be treated as an absolute
move (M), but subsequent pairs are treated as relative coordinates[0].
It was easier for me to convert that relative move to absolute and add
a relative lineto command (l) to the next pair.
For now, all i do is highlight the accommodation and zoom it on click,
because i do not know how i should the accommodation’s information.
[0]: https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/paths.html#PathDataMovetoCommands
In the map i added in e3503187d, paths around each accommodation
inherited the fill and stroke from the group, thus i could just override
that fill at the anchor level, but the current map sets the fill to each
accommodation’s path, party because the text is not a path too, partly
because Affinity is a visual tool only and does not give a shit about
mark up.
If we keep the text in a group, however, we can set the fill of the area
using CSS too, although it is not nice due to `!important`, but still.
There was a plot, however, #93, that had the area in a group too, and
i had to remove that group manually.
It seems that the prefix got removed in one of the edits.
Also, Affinity does not give a fuck to what classes we give to the
elements, and just removes them, thus .guest-only no longer matches, and
had to hide the layers by id. Hope they hold this time.
It is better for mobile users, as they can zoom and pan the map in their
small screens.
Had to increase header’s z-index or the zoom controls would be on top
of it.
I decided to use a custom attribute for the campsite label in the SVG
because i was a bit wary of reusing ‘id’ for that, specially given that
most labels are number only and XML can not have IDs starting with a
In fact, at least Inkscape and Affinity solve the problem by having an
additional foreign attribute to keep the “group label” in without that
restriction (‘inkscape:label’ and ‘serif:id’, respectively), thus i
thought of doing the same, but with a namespace that i control and be
independent of the design program.
However, it seems that Affinity does not have a way of editing the XML
attributes like Inkscape does[0], thus there is no way of adding or
editing that value from there; i can not ask Oriol to edit the SVG file
in a text editor each time.
We have agreed to reuse the ‘id’ attribute to contain the campsite’s
label by using a specific prefix, that we checked is editable without
issue in Affinity’s UI.
[0]: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/24318-xml-data/&do=findComment&comment=115609
I am using the US terms for campground and campsite, that’s why the
relation is called ‘campsite’ instead of ‘pitch’, but i used the wrong
terminology in the SVG map because the customer uses the UK term and
call themselves campsite, so i mixed things.
It is now the campground map and each individual area is a campsite,
as i have been using all along.