-- Deploy camper:invoice_product_amount to pg -- requires: schema_camper -- requires: invoice_product -- requires: invoice_product_tax begin; set search_path to camper, public; create or replace view invoice_product_amount as select invoice_product_id , round(price * quantity * (1 - discount_rate))::integer as subtotal , max(round(price * quantity * (1 - discount_rate))::integer) + coalesce(sum(round(round(price * quantity * (1 - discount_rate))::integer * tax_rate)::integer)::integer, 0) as total from invoice_product left join invoice_product_tax using (invoice_product_id) group by invoice_product_id, price, quantity, discount_rate ; grant select on table invoice_product_amount to employee; grant select on table invoice_product_amount to admin; commit;