-- Test color set client_min_messages to warning; create extension if not exists pgtap; reset client_min_messages; begin; select plan(8); set search_path to camper, public; select has_domain('color'); select domain_type_is('color', 'citext'); select lives_ok($$ select '#775544'::color $$, 'Should be able to cast strings to color'); select lives_ok($$ select '#aABbCc'::color $$, 'Should be able to cast hex-strings to color'); select throws_ok( $$ select '0775544'::color $$, 23514, null, 'Should reject colors without the initial hash character' ); select throws_ok( $$ select '#red'::color $$, 23514, null, 'Should reject named colors' ); select throws_ok( $$ select '#0011ag'::color $$, 23514, null, 'Should reject colors with invalid hex digits' ); select throws_ok( $$ select '#00112233'::color $$, 23514, null, 'Should reject colors with more than three pairs (i.e., no alpha)' ); select * from finish(); rollback;