-- Test translate_surroundings_ad set client_min_messages to warning; create extension if not exists pgtap; reset client_min_messages; begin; select plan(13); set search_path to camper, public; select has_function('camper', 'translate_surroundings_ad', array['integer', 'text', 'text', 'text']); select function_lang_is('camper', 'translate_surroundings_ad', array['integer', 'text', 'text', 'text'], 'sql'); select function_returns('camper', 'translate_surroundings_ad', array['integer', 'text', 'text', 'text'], 'void'); select isnt_definer('camper', 'translate_surroundings_ad', array['integer', 'text', 'text', 'text']); select volatility_is('camper', 'translate_surroundings_ad', array['integer', 'text', 'text', 'text'], 'volatile'); select function_privs_are('camper', 'translate_surroundings_ad', array['integer', 'text', 'text', 'text'], 'guest', array[]::text[]); select function_privs_are('camper', 'translate_surroundings_ad', array['integer', 'text', 'text', 'text'], 'employee', array[]::text[]); select function_privs_are('camper', 'translate_surroundings_ad', array['integer', 'text', 'text', 'text'], 'admin', array['EXECUTE']); select function_privs_are('camper', 'translate_surroundings_ad', array['integer', 'text', 'text', 'text'], 'authenticator', array[]::text[]); set client_min_messages to warning; truncate surroundings_ad_i18n cascade; truncate surroundings_ad cascade; truncate media cascade; truncate media_content cascade; truncate company_host cascade; truncate company_user cascade; truncate company cascade; truncate auth."user" cascade; reset client_min_messages; insert into auth."user" (user_id, email, name, password, cookie, cookie_expires_at) values (1, 'demo@tandem.blog', 'Demo', 'test', '44facbb30d8a419dfd4bfbc44a4b5539d4970148dfc84bed0e', current_timestamp + interval '1 month') , (5, 'admin@tandem.blog', 'Demo', 'test', '12af4c88b528c2ad4222e3740496ecbc58e76e26f087657524', current_timestamp + interval '1 month') ; insert into company (company_id, business_name, vatin, trade_name, phone, email, web, address, city, province, postal_code, rtc_number, tourist_tax, tourist_tax_max_days, country_code, currency_code, default_lang_tag) values (2, 'Company 2', 'XX123', '', '555-555-555', 'a@a', '', '', '', '', '', '', 60, 7, 'ES', 'EUR', 'ca') , (4, 'Company 4', 'XX234', '', '666-666-666', 'b@b', '', '', '', '', '', '', 60, 7, 'FR', 'USD', 'ca') ; insert into company_user (company_id, user_id, role) values (2, 1, 'admin') , (4, 5, 'admin') ; insert into company_host (company_id, host) values (2, 'co2') , (4, 'co4') ; insert into media_content (media_type, bytes) values ('text/plain', 'content2') , ('text/plain', 'content4') ; insert into media (media_id, company_id, original_filename, content_hash) values ( 7, 2, 'text2.txt', sha256('content2')) , ( 8, 4, 'text3.txt', sha256('content4')) ; insert into surroundings_ad (company_id, media_id, title, anchor, href) values (2, 7, 'Ad 2', 'Go!', 'https://ddg.gg/') , (4, 8, 'Ad 4', 'Go!', 'https://ddg.gg/') ; insert into surroundings_ad_i18n (company_id, lang_tag, title, anchor) values (2, 'ca', 'anun 2', 'au!') ; select lives_ok( $$ select translate_surroundings_ad(4, 'es', 'Anuncio 4', '¡Ve!') $$, 'Should be able to translate the ad from the first company to Spanish' ); select lives_ok( $$ select translate_surroundings_ad(4, 'ca', 'Anunci 4', 'Ves!') $$, 'Should be able to translate the ad from the first company to Catalan' ); select lives_ok( $$ select translate_surroundings_ad(2, 'ca', 'Anunci 2', 'Ups!') $$, 'Should be able to update Catalan translation of the ad from the first company' ); select bag_eq( $$ select company_id, lang_tag, title, anchor from surroundings_ad_i18n $$, $$ values (2, 'ca', 'Anunci 2', 'Ups!') , (4, 'ca', 'Anunci 4', 'Ves!') , (4, 'es', 'Anuncio 4', '¡Ve!') $$, 'The translations should have been updated.' ); select * from finish(); rollback;