-- Verify camper:available_id_document_types on pg begin; set search_path to camper; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type where id_document_type_id = 'D' and name = 'DNI'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type where id_document_type_id = 'P' and name = 'Passport'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type where id_document_type_id = 'C' and name = 'Driving license'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type where id_document_type_id = 'I' and name = 'Identification document'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type where id_document_type_id = 'N' and name = 'Spanish residence permit'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type where id_document_type_id = 'X' and name = 'Residence permit from another Member State of the European Union'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'D' and lang_tag = 'ca' and name = 'DNI'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'P' and lang_tag = 'ca' and name = 'Passaport'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'C' and lang_tag = 'ca' and name = 'Permís de conduir'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'I' and lang_tag = 'ca' and name = 'Carta o document d’identitat'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'N' and lang_tag = 'ca' and name = 'Permís de residència espanyol'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'X' and lang_tag = 'ca' and name = 'Permís de residència d’un altre estat membre de la Unió Europea'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'D' and lang_tag = 'es' and name = 'DNI'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'P' and lang_tag = 'es' and name = 'Pasaporte'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'C' and lang_tag = 'es' and name = 'Permiso de conducir'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'I' and lang_tag = 'es' and name = 'Carta o documento de identidad'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'N' and lang_tag = 'es' and name = 'Permiso de residencia español'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'X' and lang_tag = 'es' and name = 'Permiso de residencia de otro Estado Miembro de la Unión Europea'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'D' and lang_tag = 'fr' and name = 'DNI'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'P' and lang_tag = 'fr' and name = 'Passeport'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'C' and lang_tag = 'fr' and name = 'Permis de conduire'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'I' and lang_tag = 'fr' and name = 'Carte d’identité'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'N' and lang_tag = 'fr' and name = 'Permis de séjour espagnol'; select 1 / count(*) from id_document_type_i18n where id_document_type_id = 'X' and lang_tag = 'fr' and name = 'Titre de séjour d’un autre État membre de l’Union européenne'; rollback;