-- Deploy camper:build_cookie to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_camper
-- requires: current_user_email
-- requires: current_user_cookie


set search_path to camper, public;

create or replace function build_cookie(user_email email default null, user_cookie text default null) returns text as
select coalesce(user_cookie, current_user_cookie()) || '/' || coalesce(user_email, current_user_email());
language sql

revoke execute on function build_cookie(email, text) from public;
grant execute on function build_cookie(email, text) to employee;
grant execute on function build_cookie(email, text) to admin;

comment on function build_cookie(email, text) is
'Build the cookie to send to the user’s browser, either for the given values or for the current user.';
