-- Test email
set client_min_messages to warning;
create extension if not exists pgtap;
reset client_min_messages;


select plan(5);

set search_path to camper, public;

select has_domain('email');
select domain_type_is('email', 'citext');

select lives_ok($$ select 'test@tandem.com'::email $$, 'Should be able to cast strings to email');

select throws_ok(
	$$ SELECT 'test@tandem,,co.uk'::email $$,
	23514, null,
	'Should reject email addresses with wrong domain'

select throws_ok(
	$$ SELECT 'test@a@tandem.com'::email $$,
	23514, null,
	'Should reject email address with two @ signs'

select *
from finish();
