<!-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 jordi fita mas <jordi@tandem.blog> SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only --> {{ define "title" -}} {{( pgettext "Profile" "title" )}} {{- end }} {{ define "breadcrumb" -}} {{- end }} {{ define "content" -}} {{- /*gotype: dev.tandem.ws/tandem/camper/pkg/app.profileForm*/ -}} <form data-hx-put="/me" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <h2>{{( pgettext "Profile" "title" )}}</h2> {{ CSRFInput }} <fieldset> {{ with .Avatar -}} <label> {{( pgettext "Profile Image" "inut" )}}<br> <input type="file" name="{{ .Name }}" accept="image/png image/jpeg" {{ template "error-attrs" . }}><br> </label> {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .Name -}} <label> {{( pgettext "Name" "input" )}}<br> <input type="text" name="{{ .Name }}" value="{{ .Val }}" autocomplete="name" required {{ template "error-attrs" . }}><br> </label> {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .Email -}} <label> {{( pgettext "Email" "input" )}}<br> <input type="email" name="{{ .Name }}" value="{{ .Val }}" autocomplete="username" required {{ template "error-attrs" . }}><br> </label> {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} <fieldset> <legend>{{( pgettext "Change password" "legend" )}}</legend> {{ with .Password -}} <label> {{( pgettext "Password" "input" )}}<br> <input type="password" name="{{ .Name }}" value="{{ .Val }}" autocomplete="new-password" {{ template "error-attrs" . }}><br> </label> {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .PasswordConfirm -}} <label> {{( pgettext "Password Confirmation" "input" )}}<br> <input type="password" name="{{ .Name }}" value="{{ .Val }}" autocomplete="new-password" {{ template "error-attrs" . }}><br> </label> {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} </fieldset> {{ with .Language -}} <label> {{( pgettext "Language" "input" )}}<br> <select name="{{ .Name }}" required {{ template "error-attrs" . }}>{{ template "list-options" . }} </select><br> </label> {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} </fieldset> <footer> <button type="submit">{{( pgettext "Save changes" "action" )}}</button> </footer> </form> {{- end }}