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Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","This media URL is not supported.":"This media URL is not supported.","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"कैप्शन को टॉगल बंद करें","Toggle caption on":"कैप्शन का टॉगल ऑन करें","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Type or paste your content here.":"Type or paste your content here.","Type your title":"Type your title",Underline:"Underline",Undo:"Undo",Unlink:"Unlink",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar",White:"White","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Wrap text":"टेक्स्ट रैप करें",Yellow:"Yellow"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1!=e}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));