{{ define "title" -}} {{( pgettext "Booking" "title" )}} {{- end }} {{ define "content" -}} {{- /*gotype: dev.tandem.ws/tandem/camper/pkg/booking.publicPage*/ -}}

{{( pgettext "Booking" "title" )}}

{{ with .Form -}}
{{( pgettext "Customer Details" "title" )}} {{ with .FullName -}} {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .Address -}} {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .PostalCode -}} {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .City -}} {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .Country -}} {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .Email -}} {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .Phone -}} {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }}
{{( pgettext "Accommodation" "title" )}} {{ range .CampsiteType.Options -}}
{{- end }} {{ template "error-message" .CampsiteType }}
{{ range $campsiteType := .CampsiteType.Options -}} {{ $options := index $.Form.CampsiteTypeOptions .Value }} {{ $zonePreferences := index $.Form.ZonePreferences .Value }} {{ if or $options $zonePreferences }}
{{ .Label }} {{ with $zonePreferences -}}
{{ template "error-message" . }} {{( gettext "Campground map" )}}
{{- end }} {{ range $options -}} {{ template "error-message" .Input }} {{- end }}
{{- end }} {{- end }}
{{( pgettext "Booking Period" "title" )}} {{ with .ArrivalDate -}} {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .DepartureDate -}} {{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .ACSICard -}}
{{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }} {{ with .Agreement -}}
{{ template "error-message" . }} {{- end }}
{{- end }} {{- end }}