-- Test ensure_role_exists set client_min_messages to warning; create extension if not exists pgtap; reset client_min_messages; begin; select plan(14); set search_path to auth, public; select has_function('auth', 'ensure_role_exists', array []::name[]); select function_lang_is('auth', 'ensure_role_exists', array []::name[], 'plpgsql'); select function_returns('auth', 'ensure_role_exists', array []::name[], 'trigger'); select isnt_definer('auth', 'ensure_role_exists', array []::name[]); select volatility_is('auth', 'ensure_role_exists', array []::name[], 'volatile'); select function_privs_are('auth', 'ensure_role_exists', array []::name[], 'guest', array []::text[]); select function_privs_are('auth', 'ensure_role_exists', array []::name[], 'employee', array []::text[]); select function_privs_are('auth', 'ensure_role_exists', array []::name[], 'admin', array []::text[]); select function_privs_are('auth', 'ensure_role_exists', array []::name[], 'authenticator', array []::text[]); select trigger_is('user', 'ensure_role_exists', 'ensure_role_exists'); set client_min_messages to warning; truncate "user" cascade; reset client_min_messages; select lives_ok( $$ insert into "user" (email, name, password, role) values ('info@tandem.blog', 'Factura', 'test', 'guest') $$, 'Should be able to insert a user with a valid role' ); select throws_ok( $$ insert into "user" (email, name, password, role) values ('nope@tandem.blog', 'Factura', 'test', 'non-existing-role') $$, '23503', 'role not found: non-existing-role', 'Should not allow insert users with invalid roles' ); select lives_ok($$ update "user" set role = 'employee' where email = 'info@tandem.blog' $$, 'Should be able to change the role of a user to another valid role' ); select throws_ok($$ update "user" set role = 'usurer' where email = 'info@tandem.blog' $$, '23503', 'role not found: usurer', 'Should not allow update users to invalid roles' ); select * from finish(); rollback;