{{ define "title" -}} {{( pgettext "Invoices" "title" )}} {{- end }} {{ define "breadcrumb" -}} {{- end }} {{ define "content" }} {{- /*gotype: dev.tandem.ws/tandem/camper/pkg/invoice.invoiceIndex*/ -}}
{{ CSRFInput }}
{{ with .Filters }} {{ with .Customer }}{{ end }} {{ with .InvoiceStatus }}{{ end }} {{ with .FromDate }}{{ end }} {{ with .ToDate }}{{ end }} {{ with .InvoiceStatus }}{{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ with .Filters }} {{ with .Customer -}} {{- end }} {{ with .InvoiceStatus -}} {{- end }} {{ with .FromDate -}} {{- end }} {{ with .ToDate -}} {{- end }} {{ with .InvoiceNumber -}} {{- end }} {{ end }}
{{ if .Filters.HasValue }} {{( pgettext "Reset" "action" )}} {{ end }}
{{( pgettext "Add invoice" "action" )}}

{{ template "title" . }}

{{ if .Invoices }} {{ template "results.gohtml" . }}
{{( pgettext "All" "invoice" )}} {{( pgettext "Date" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Invoice Num." "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Customer" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Status" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Download" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Amount" "title" )}}
{{- else -}}

{{( gettext "No invoices found." )}}

{{ end }} {{- end }}