-- Verify camper:user_profile on pg


select user_id
     , email
     , name
     , role
     , lang_tag
     , csrf_token
from camper.user_profile
where false;

select has_function_privilege('camper.update_user_profile()', 'execute');

select 1 / count(*)
from pg_trigger
where not tgisinternal
  and tgname = 'update_user_profile'
  and tgrelid = 'camper.user_profile'::regclass
  and tgtype = b'01010001'::int;
--                │││││││
--                ││││││└─> row
--                │││││└──> before
--                ││││└───> insert
--                │││└────> delete
--                ││└─────> update
--                │└──────> truncate
--                └───────> instead
select 1 / count(*)
from pg_trigger
where not tgisinternal
  and tgname = 'encrypt_password'
  and tgrelid = 'auth.user'::regclass
  and tgtype = b'00010111'::int;
--                │││││││
--                ││││││└─> row
--                │││││└──> before
--                ││││└───> insert
--                │││└────> delete
--                ││└─────> update
--                │└──────> truncate
--                └───────> instead
