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Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"","This link has no URL":"Kjo nyje nuk ka URL","This media URL is not supported.":"URL e medies nuk mbështetet.","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"","To-do List":"","Toggle caption off":"","Toggle caption on":"","Toggle the circle list style":"","Toggle the decimal list style":"","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"","Toggle the disc list style":"","Toggle the lowerlatin list style":"","Toggle the lowerroman list style":"","Toggle the square list style":"","Toggle the upperlatin list style":"","Toggle the upperroman list style":"",Turquoise:"","Type or paste your content here.":"Shkruaj ose kopjo përmbajtjen këtu.","Type your title":"Shkruani titullin tuaj",Underline:"Nënvizuar",Undo:"Rikthe",Unlink:"Largo nyjën",Update:"","Update image URL":"","Upload failed":"Ngarkimi dështoi","Upload in progress":"Duke ngarkuar","Upper-latin":"","Upper-roman":"","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Kokështrirja e rradhitjes së tekstit vertikalisht",White:"E bardhë","Widget toolbar":"Kokështrirja e shtesës",Width:"Gjerësia","Wrap text":"",Yellow:"E verdhë"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1!=e}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));