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category for the uploaded file.":"Tak dapat menentukan kategori untuk berkas yang terunggah.","Cannot upload file:":"Tidak dapat mengunggah berkas:","Caption for image: %0":"Keterangan gambar: %0","Caption for the image":"Keterangan untuk gambar","Cell properties":"Properti sel","Center table":"Tengahkan tabel","Centered image":"Gambar rata tengah","Change image text alternative":"Ganti alternatif teks gambar","Choose heading":"Pilih tajuk",Circle:"Lingkaran",Clear:"Kosongkan","Click to edit block":"Klik untuk mengedit blok",Code:"Kode",Color:"Warna","Color picker":"Pengambil warna",Column:"Kolom","Could not insert image at the current position.":"Tidak dapat menyisipkan gambar pada posisi ini.","Could not obtain resized image URL.":"Gagal mendapatkan URL gambar terukur",Dashed:"Garis putus-putus",Decimal:"Desimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Desimal dengan awalan nol","Decrease indent":"Kurangi indentasi","Delete column":"Hapus kolom","Delete row":"Hapus baris","Dim grey":"Kelabu 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Warna tidak valid. Coba "#FF0000" atau "rgb(255,0,0)" atau "red".',"The URL must not be empty.":"URL tidak boleh kosong.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Nilai tidak valid. Coba "10px" atau "2em" atau hanya "2".',"This link has no URL":"Tautan ini tidak memiliki URL","This media URL is not supported.":"URL media ini tidak didukung.","Tip: Paste the URL into the content to embed faster.":"Tip: Tempelkan URL ke bagian konten untuk sisip cepat.","To-do List":"Daftar untuk-dikerjakan","Toggle caption off":"Sembunyikan keterangan","Toggle caption on":"Tampilkan keterangan","Toggle the circle list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar circle","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar decimal with leading zero","Toggle the disc list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar disc","Toggle the lowerlatin list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar lowerlatin","Toggle the lowerroman list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar lowerroman","Toggle the square list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar square","Toggle the upperlatin list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar upperlatin","Toggle the upperroman list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar upperroman",Turquoise:"Turkish","Type or paste your content here.":"Ketik atau tempel konten Anda di sini.","Type your title":"Ketik judul Anda",Underline:"Garis bawah",Undo:"Batal",Unlink:"Hapus tautan",Update:"Perbarui","Update image URL":"Perbarui URL gambar","Upload failed":"Gagal mengunggah","Upload in progress":"Sedang mengunggah","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Bilah alat penjajaran teks vertikal",White:"Putih","Widget toolbar":"Alat widget",Width:"Lebar","Wrap text":"Bungkus teks",Yellow:"Kuning"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));