28 lines
871 B
28 lines
871 B
-- Deploy camper:order_amenity_carousel to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: amenity_carousel
-- requires: amenity
set search_path to camper, public;
create or replace function order_amenity_carousel(label text, company_id integer, positions integer[]) returns void as
update amenity_carousel
set position = cast(temp.position as integer)
from unnest(positions) with ordinality as temp(media_id, position)
join amenity on amenity.label = order_amenity_carousel.label
and amenity.company_id = order_amenity_carousel.company_id
where amenity_carousel.amenity_id = amenity.amenity_id
and amenity_carousel.media_id = temp.media_id
language sql
revoke execute on function order_amenity_carousel(text, integer, integer[]) from public;
grant execute on function order_amenity_carousel(text, integer, integer[]) to admin;