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-- Deploy camper:draft_payment to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_camper
-- requires: season_calendar
-- requires: season
-- requires: campsite_type
-- requires: campsite_type_pet_cost
-- requires: campsite_type_cost
-- requires: campsite_type_option_cost
-- requires: campsite_type_option
-- requires: payment
-- requires: payment_option
-- requires: company__tourist_tax_max_days
-- requires: acsi
-- requires: acsi_calendar
-- requires: acsi_options
set search_path to camper, public;
drop function if exists draft_payment(uuid, date, date, uuid, integer, integer, integer, integer, text, option_units[]);
create or replace function draft_payment(payment_slug uuid, arrival_date date, departure_date date, campsite_type_slug uuid, num_adults integer, num_teenagers integer, num_children integer, num_dogs integer, zone_preferences text, acsi_card boolean, options option_units[]) returns payment as
p payment;
if exists(select 1 from payment where slug = payment_slug and payment_status <> 'draft') then
payment_slug = null;
end if;
insert into payment (
, company_id
, campsite_type_id
, arrival_date
, departure_date
, subtotal_nights
, number_adults
, subtotal_adults
, number_teenagers
, subtotal_teenagers
, number_children
, subtotal_children
, number_dogs
, subtotal_dogs
, subtotal_tourist_tax
, total
, currency_code
, down_payment_percent
, zone_preferences
, acsi_card
select coalesce(payment_slug, gen_random_uuid())
, company_id
, campsite_type.campsite_type_id
, arrival_date
, departure_date
, sum(coalesce(acsi.cost_per_night, 0) + cost.cost_per_night * (ceiling((num_adults::numeric + num_teenagers::numeric + num_children::numeric) / max_campers::numeric)::integer - case when acsi.cost_per_night is null then 0 else 1 end))::integer
, num_adults
, sum(cost_per_adult * greatest(0, num_adults - coalesce(acsi.number_adults, 0)))::integer
, num_teenagers
, sum(cost_per_teenager * greatest(0, num_teenagers - coalesce(acsi.number_teenagers, 0)))::integer
, num_children
, sum(cost_per_child * greatest(0, num_children - coalesce(acsi.number_children, 0)))::integer
, num_dogs
, sum(case when (num_dogs - coalesce(acsi.number_dogs, 0)) > 0 then coalesce(pet.cost_per_night, 0) else 0 end)::integer
, sum(case when day_num <= tourist_tax_max_days then tourist_tax * num_adults else 0 end)::integer
, 0
, currency_code
, case when arrival_date - current_date >= 7 then 0.3 else 1.0 end
, coalesce(zone_preferences, '')
, acsi_card
from generate_series(arrival_date, departure_date - 1, interval '1 day') with ordinality as date(day, day_num)
left join season_calendar on season_range @>
left join season using (season_id)
left join campsite_type using (company_id)
left join campsite_type_pet_cost as pet using (campsite_type_id)
left join campsite_type_cost as cost using (campsite_type_id, season_id)
left join company using (company_id)
left join (acsi join acsi_calendar using (campsite_type_id)) as acsi
on acsi_card
and acsi.campsite_type_id = campsite_type.campsite_type_id
and <@ acsi_range
where campsite_type.slug = campsite_type_slug
group by company_id
, campsite_type.campsite_type_id
, currency_code
on conflict (slug) do update
set company_id = excluded.company_id
, campsite_type_id = excluded.campsite_type_id
, arrival_date = excluded.arrival_date
, departure_date = excluded.departure_date
, subtotal_nights = excluded.subtotal_nights
, number_adults = excluded.number_adults
, subtotal_adults = excluded.subtotal_adults
, number_teenagers = excluded.number_teenagers
, subtotal_teenagers = excluded.subtotal_teenagers
, number_children = excluded.number_children
, subtotal_children = excluded.subtotal_children
, number_dogs = excluded.number_dogs
, subtotal_dogs = excluded.subtotal_dogs
, subtotal_tourist_tax = excluded.subtotal_tourist_tax
, total =
, currency_code = excluded.currency_code
, down_payment_percent = excluded.down_payment_percent
, zone_preferences = excluded.zone_preferences
, acsi_card = excluded.acsi_card
, updated_at = current_timestamp
returning *
into p
if array_length(coalesce(options, array[]::option_units[]), 1) > 0 then
from payment_option
where payment_id = p.payment_id
and campsite_type_option_id not in (
select campsite_type_option_id
from unnest(options) as option(campsite_type_option_id, units)
insert into payment_option (
, campsite_type_option_id
, units
, subtotal
select p.payment_id
, campsite_type_option.campsite_type_option_id
, option.units
, case when per_night then sum(cost * greatest(0, option.units - coalesce(acsi_option.units, 0)))::integer else max(cost * greatest(0, option.units - coalesce(acsi_option.units, 0)))::integer end
from generate_series(arrival_date, departure_date - 1, interval '1 day') as date(day)
join season_calendar on season_range @>
join campsite_type_option_cost using (season_id)
join campsite_type_option using (campsite_type_option_id)
join unnest(options) as option(campsite_type_option_id, units) using (campsite_type_option_id)
left join acsi_calendar on acsi_card and day::date <@ acsi_range
left join acsi_option on acsi_option.campsite_type_id = acsi_calendar.campsite_type_id and acsi_option.campsite_type_option_id = campsite_type_option.campsite_type_option_id
group by campsite_type_option.campsite_type_option_id
, option.units
, per_night
on conflict (payment_id, campsite_type_option_id) do update
set units = excluded.units
, subtotal = excluded.subtotal
with option as (
select sum(subtotal)::integer as subtotal
from payment_option
where payment_id = p.payment_id
update payment
set total = subtotal_nights + subtotal_adults + subtotal_teenagers + subtotal_children + subtotal_dogs + subtotal_tourist_tax + coalesce(option.subtotal, 0)
from option
where payment_id = p.payment_id
returning total into
from payment_option
where payment_id = p.payment_id;
update payment
set total = subtotal_nights + subtotal_adults + subtotal_teenagers + subtotal_children + subtotal_dogs + subtotal_tourist_tax
where payment_id = p.payment_id
returning total into
end if;
return p;
language plpgsql
revoke execute on function draft_payment(uuid, date, date, uuid, integer, integer, integer, integer, text, boolean, option_units[]) from public;
grant execute on function draft_payment(uuid, date, date, uuid, integer, integer, integer, integer, text, boolean, option_units[]) to guest;
grant execute on function draft_payment(uuid, date, date, uuid, integer, integer, integer, integer, text, boolean, option_units[]) to employee;
grant execute on function draft_payment(uuid, date, date, uuid, integer, integer, integer, integer, text, boolean, option_units[]) to admin;