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-- m4_changequote(`[[', `]]')
set search_path to camper, auth, public;
Replace serial columns with ‘generated by default as identity’ I just found out that this is a feature introduced in PostgreSQL 10, back in 2017. Besides this being the standard way to define an “auto incremental column” introduced in SQL:2003[0], called “identity columns”, in PostgreSQL the new syntax has the following pros, according to [1]: * No need to explicitly grant usage on the generated sequence. * Can restart the sequence with only the name of the table and column; no need to know the sequence’s name. * An identity column has no default, and the sequence is better “linked” to the table, therefore you can not drop the default value but leave the sequence around, and, conversely, can not drop the sequence if the column is still defined. Due to this, PostgreSQL’s authors recommendation is to use identity columns instead of serial, unless there is the need for compatibility with PostgreSQL older than 10[2], which is not our case. According to PostgreSQL’s documentation[3], the identity column can be ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’ or ‘GENERATED ALWAYS’. In the latter case, it is not possible to give a user-specified value when inserting unless specifying ‘OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE’. I think this would make harder to write pgTAP tests, and the old behaviour of serial, which is equivalent to ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’, did not bring me any trouble so far. [0]: [1]: [2]:'t_Do_This#Don.27t_use_serial [3]:
2023-09-26 17:35:16 +00:00
alter table auth."user" alter column user_id restart with 42;
insert into auth."user" (email, name, password, lang_tag)
values ('demo@camper', 'Demo User', 'demo', 'ca')
, ('admin@camper', 'Demo Admin', 'admin', 'ca')
Replace serial columns with ‘generated by default as identity’ I just found out that this is a feature introduced in PostgreSQL 10, back in 2017. Besides this being the standard way to define an “auto incremental column” introduced in SQL:2003[0], called “identity columns”, in PostgreSQL the new syntax has the following pros, according to [1]: * No need to explicitly grant usage on the generated sequence. * Can restart the sequence with only the name of the table and column; no need to know the sequence’s name. * An identity column has no default, and the sequence is better “linked” to the table, therefore you can not drop the default value but leave the sequence around, and, conversely, can not drop the sequence if the column is still defined. Due to this, PostgreSQL’s authors recommendation is to use identity columns instead of serial, unless there is the need for compatibility with PostgreSQL older than 10[2], which is not our case. According to PostgreSQL’s documentation[3], the identity column can be ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’ or ‘GENERATED ALWAYS’. In the latter case, it is not possible to give a user-specified value when inserting unless specifying ‘OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE’. I think this would make harder to write pgTAP tests, and the old behaviour of serial, which is equivalent to ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’, did not bring me any trouble so far. [0]: [1]: [2]:'t_Do_This#Don.27t_use_serial [3]:
2023-09-26 17:35:16 +00:00
alter table company alter column company_id restart with 52;
insert into company (slug, business_name, vatin, trade_name, phone, email, web, address, city, province, postal_code, country_code, rtc_number, tourist_tax, currency_code, default_lang_tag, legal_disclaimer)
values ('09184122-b276-4be2-9553-e4bbcbafe40d', 'El pont de Llierca, S.L.', 'ESB17377656', 'Càmping Montagut', parse_packed_phone_number('661 673 057', 'ES'), '', '', 'Ctra. de Sadernes, Km 2', 'Montagut i Oix', 'Girona', '17855', 'ES', 'KG-000133', 60, 'EUR', 'ca', 'El pont de Llierca, S.L. és responsable del tractament de les seves dades dacord amb el RGPD i la LOPDGDD, i les tracta per a mantenir una relació mercantil/comercial amb vostè. Les conservarà mentre es mantingui aquesta relació i no es comunicaran a tercers. Pot exercir els drets daccés, rectificació, portabilitat, supressió, limitació i oposició a El pont de Llierca, S.L., amb domicili Ctra. de Sadernes, Km 2, 17855 Montagut i Oix o enviant un correu electrònic a Per a qualsevol reclamació pot acudir a Per a més informació pot consultar la nostra política de privacitat a');
insert into company_host (company_id, host)
values (52, 'localhost:8080')
, (52, '')
insert into company_user (company_id, user_id, role)
values (52, 42, 'employee')
, (52, 43, 'admin')
Implement Redsys request signature in PostgreSQL Every company need to have its own merchant code and encryption key, thus it is not possible to use environment variables to keep that data, and i have to store it in the database. I do not want to give SELECT permission on the encryption key to guest, because i am going to fuck it up sooner or later, and everyone would be able to read that secret; i know it would. Therefore, i need a security definer function that takes the data to encrypt, use the key to encrypt it, and returns the result; nobody else should have access to that key, not even admins! By the way, i found out that every merchant receives the same key, thus it is not a problem to keep it in the repository. Since i need that SQL function to encrypt the data, i thought that i may go the whole nine yards and sign the request in PostgreSQL too, after all the data to sign comes from there, and it has JSON functions to create and base64-code an object. Fortunately, pg_crypto has all the functions that i need, but i can no longer keep that extension inside the auth schema, because it is used from others, and the public schema, like every other extensions, seems more appropriate. Instead of having the list of currency and language codes that Redsys uses as constants in the code, i moved that as field to the currency and language relations, so i can simply pass the lang_tag to the function and it can transform that tag to the correct code; the currency is from the company’s relation, since it is the only currency used in the whole application (for now). As a consequence, i had to grant execute to currency and the parse_price functions to guest, too. To generate the test data used in the unit tests, i used a third-party PHP implementation[0], but i only got from that the resulting base64-coded JSON object and signature, using the same that as in the unit test, and did not use any code from there. PostgreSQL formats the JSON as text differently than most implementations i have seen: it adds spaces between the key name and the colons, and space between the value and the separating comma. The first implementation used replace() to format the JSON as exactly as the PHP implementation, so that the result matches, and then tried to do generate the form by hand using the output from PostgreSQL without the replace(), to verify that Redsys would still accept my input. Finally, i adjusted the unit test to whatever pg_prove said it was getting from the function. I still have the form’s action hard-codded to the test environment, but the idea is that administrators should be able to switch from test to live themselves. That means that i need that info in the redsys relation as well. I think this is one of the few use cases for SQL’s types, because it is unlikely to change anytime soon, and i do not need the actual labels. Unfortunately, i could not use enumerations for the request’s transaction type because i can not attach an arbitrary number to the enum’s values. Having a relation is overkill, because i would need a constant in Go to refer to its primary key anyway, thus i kept the same constant i had before for that. Language and currency constant went out, as this is in the corresponding relations. In setup_redsys i must have a separate update if the encrypt_key is null because PostgreSQL checks constraints before key conflict, and i do not want to give a default value to the key if the row is not there yet. The problem is that i want to use null to mean “keep the same password”, because it is what i intend to do with the user-facing form: leave the input empty to keep the same password. As now Go needs to pass composite types back and forth with PostgreSQL, i need to register these types, and i have to do it every time because the only moment i have access to the non-pooled connection is in the AfterConnect function, but at that point i have no idea whether the user is going to request a payment. I do not know how much the performance degrades because of this. [0]:
2023-10-26 23:52:04 +00:00
select setup_redsys(52, '361716962', '1', 'test', 'redirect', 'sq7HjrUOBfKmC576ILgskD5srU870gJ7');
2024-01-10 18:22:27 +00:00
select setup_location(52, '<div><h3>On som</h3><p>Ctra. de Sadernes, km 2, 17855 MONTAGUT i OIX</p></div>', '<iframe src="!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d44661.89614700166!2d2.57381383167473!3d42.24000148364468!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x12bab79ff3b0f007%3A0x65b7563a5d1548e6!2sCamping%20Montagut!5e0!3m2!1sca!2sus!4v1703225042845!5m2!1sca!2sus" width="100%" height="600" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe>', '<div><p><strong>Càmping i Safari tents:</strong><br />de 08/04 a 09/10</p><p><strong>Cabanes i Bungalows:</strong><br />de 08/04 a 11/12</p><p><strong>ACSI</strong>:<br />de 08/04 a 11/12</p></div>');
select translate_location(52, 'en', '<div><h3>Where are we</h3><p>Ctra. de Sadernes, km. 2, 17855 MONTAGUT and OIX</p></div>', '<div><p><strong>Camping and Safari tents:</strong><br />from 08/04 to 09/10</p><p><strong>Wooden lodges and Bungalows:</strong><br />from 08/04 to 11/12</p><p><strong>ACSI</strong>:<br />from 08/04 to 11/12</p></div>');
select translate_location(52, 'es', '<div><h3>Dónde estamos</h3><p>Ctra. de Sadernes, km 2, 17855 MONTAGUT y OIX</p></div>', '<div><p><strong>Cámping y Safari tents:</strong><br />de 08/04 a 09/10</p><p><strong>Cabañas y Bungalows:</strong><br />de 08/04 a 11/12</p><p><strong>ACSI</strong>:<br />de 08/04 a 11/12</p></div>');
select translate_location(52, 'fr', '<div><h3>Où nous trouver?</h3><p>Ctra. de Sadernes, km 2, 17855 MONTAGUT et OIX</p></div>', '<div><p><strong>Camping et Safari tents:</strong><br />de 08/04 à 09/10</p><p><strong>Cabines et Bungalows:</strong><br />de 08/04 à 11/12</p><p><strong>ACSI</strong>:<br />de 08/04 à 11/12</p></div>');
Replace serial columns with ‘generated by default as identity’ I just found out that this is a feature introduced in PostgreSQL 10, back in 2017. Besides this being the standard way to define an “auto incremental column” introduced in SQL:2003[0], called “identity columns”, in PostgreSQL the new syntax has the following pros, according to [1]: * No need to explicitly grant usage on the generated sequence. * Can restart the sequence with only the name of the table and column; no need to know the sequence’s name. * An identity column has no default, and the sequence is better “linked” to the table, therefore you can not drop the default value but leave the sequence around, and, conversely, can not drop the sequence if the column is still defined. Due to this, PostgreSQL’s authors recommendation is to use identity columns instead of serial, unless there is the need for compatibility with PostgreSQL older than 10[2], which is not our case. According to PostgreSQL’s documentation[3], the identity column can be ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’ or ‘GENERATED ALWAYS’. In the latter case, it is not possible to give a user-specified value when inserting unless specifying ‘OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE’. I think this would make harder to write pgTAP tests, and the old behaviour of serial, which is equivalent to ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’, did not bring me any trouble so far. [0]: [1]: [2]:'t_Do_This#Don.27t_use_serial [3]:
2023-09-26 17:35:16 +00:00
alter table media alter column media_id restart with 62;
select add_media(52, 'plots.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/plots.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'safari_tents.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/safari_tents.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'bungalows.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/bungalows.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'bungalows_premium.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/bungalows_premium.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'home_carousel0.jpg', 'image/jpeg', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/home_carousel0.jpg]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'home_carousel1.jpg', 'image/jpeg', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/home_carousel1.jpg]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'home_carousel2.jpg', 'image/jpeg', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/home_carousel2.jpg]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'home_carousel3.jpg', 'image/jpeg', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/home_carousel3.jpg]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'home_carousel4.jpg', 'image/jpeg', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/home_carousel4.jpg]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'home_carousel5.jpg', 'image/jpeg', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/home_carousel5.jpg]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'home_carousel6.jpg', 'image/jpeg', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/home_carousel6.jpg]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'home_carousel7.jpg', 'image/jpeg', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/home_carousel7.jpg]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'home_carousel8.jpg', 'image/jpeg', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/home_carousel8.jpg]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'services_carousel0.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/services_carousel0.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'services_carousel1.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/services_carousel1.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'services_carousel2.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/services_carousel2.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'services_carousel3.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/services_carousel3.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'safari_tents_carousel1.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/safari_tents_carousel1.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'safari_tents_carousel2.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/safari_tents_carousel2.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'safari_tents_carousel3.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/safari_tents_carousel3.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'safari_tents_carousel4.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/safari_tents_carousel4.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'safari_tents_carousel5.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/safari_tents_carousel5.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'safari_tents_carousel6.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/safari_tents_carousel6.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'bungalows_carousel2.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/bungalows_carousel2.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'bungalows_carousel3.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/bungalows_carousel3.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'bungalows_carousel4.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/bungalows_carousel4.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'bungalows_carousel5.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/bungalows_carousel5.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'bungalows_carousel6.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/bungalows_carousel6.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carousel0.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carousel0.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carousel1.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carousel1.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carousel2.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carousel2.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carousel3.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carousel3.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carousel4.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carousel4.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carousel5.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carousel5.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carousel6.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carousel6.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carousel7.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carousel7.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carousel8.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carousel8.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carousel9.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carousel9.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carouselA.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carouselA.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carouselB.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carouselB.avif]])', 'base64'));
select add_media(52, 'wooden_lodges_carouselC.avif', 'image/avif', decode('m4_esyscmd([[base64 -w0 demo/wooden_lodges_carouselC.avif]])', 'base64'));
Make home page’s carousel manageable via the database I debated with myself whether to create the home_carousel relation or rather if it would be better to have a single carousel relation for all pages. However, i thought that it would be actually harder to maintain a single relation because i would need an additional column to tell one carrousel from another, and what would that column be? An enum? A foreign key to another relation? home_carousel carries no such issues. I was starting to duplicate logic all over the packages, such as the way to encode media paths or “localization” (l10n) input fields. Therefore, i refactorized them. In the case of media path, i added a function that accepts rows of media, because always need the same columns from the row, and it was yet another repetition if i needed to pass them all the time. Plus, these kind of functions can be called as `table.function`, that make them look like columns from the table; if PostgreSQL implemented virtual generated columns, i would have used that instead. I am not sure whether that media_path function can be immutable. An immutable function is “guaranteed to return the same results given the same arguments forever”, which would be true if the inputs where the hash and the original_filename columns, instead of the whole rows, but i left it as static because i did not know whether PostgreSQL interprets the “same row but with different values” as a different input. That is, whether PostgreSQL’s concept of row is the actual tuple or the space that has a rowid, irrespective of contents; in the latter case, the function can not be immutable. Just to be in the safe side, i left it stable. The home page was starting to grow a bit too much inside the app package, new that it has its own admin handler, and moved it all to a separate package.
2023-09-14 23:05:38 +00:00
select setup_home(52, 'Vine a gaudir!');
select translate_home(52, 'en', 'Come and enjoy!');
select translate_home(52, 'es', '¡Ven a disfrutar!');
select translate_home(52, 'fr', 'Venez et profitez-en !');
select add_cover_carousel_slide(62, 'Qualitat Calma Natura');
select add_cover_carousel_slide(63, 'El plaer dacampar en plena natura…');
select add_cover_carousel_slide(64, '…amb serveis de 1r. classe');
select order_cover_carousel('{62, 63, 64}');
select translate_cover_carousel_slide(62, 'en', 'Quality Calm Nature');
select translate_cover_carousel_slide(63, 'en', 'The pleasure to camp in the middle of nature…');
select translate_cover_carousel_slide(64, 'en', '…with 1st. class services');
select translate_cover_carousel_slide(62, 'es', 'Calidad Calma Naturaleza');
select translate_cover_carousel_slide(63, 'es', 'El placer de acampar en medio de la naturaleza…');
select translate_cover_carousel_slide(64, 'es', '…con servicios de 1ª categoría.');
select translate_cover_carousel_slide(62, 'fr', 'Qualité Calme Nature');
select translate_cover_carousel_slide(63, 'fr', 'Le plaisir de camper en pleine nature ');
select translate_cover_carousel_slide(64, 'fr', ' services de 1ère. ordre');
select add_home_carousel_slide(67, 'Volcà de Santa Margarida');
select add_home_carousel_slide(68, 'Gorga fosca Sadernes');
select add_home_carousel_slide(69, 'Castellfollit de la Roca');
select add_home_carousel_slide(70, 'Besalú');
select add_home_carousel_slide(71, 'Santa Pau');
select add_home_carousel_slide(72, 'Banyoles');
select add_home_carousel_slide(73, 'Girona');
select add_home_carousel_slide(74, 'Costa Brava');
select add_home_carousel_slide(75, 'Barcelona');
Make home page’s carousel manageable via the database I debated with myself whether to create the home_carousel relation or rather if it would be better to have a single carousel relation for all pages. However, i thought that it would be actually harder to maintain a single relation because i would need an additional column to tell one carrousel from another, and what would that column be? An enum? A foreign key to another relation? home_carousel carries no such issues. I was starting to duplicate logic all over the packages, such as the way to encode media paths or “localization” (l10n) input fields. Therefore, i refactorized them. In the case of media path, i added a function that accepts rows of media, because always need the same columns from the row, and it was yet another repetition if i needed to pass them all the time. Plus, these kind of functions can be called as `table.function`, that make them look like columns from the table; if PostgreSQL implemented virtual generated columns, i would have used that instead. I am not sure whether that media_path function can be immutable. An immutable function is “guaranteed to return the same results given the same arguments forever”, which would be true if the inputs where the hash and the original_filename columns, instead of the whole rows, but i left it as static because i did not know whether PostgreSQL interprets the “same row but with different values” as a different input. That is, whether PostgreSQL’s concept of row is the actual tuple or the space that has a rowid, irrespective of contents; in the latter case, the function can not be immutable. Just to be in the safe side, i left it stable. The home page was starting to grow a bit too much inside the app package, new that it has its own admin handler, and moved it all to a separate package.
2023-09-14 23:05:38 +00:00
select translate_home_carousel_slide(67, 'en', 'Santa Margarida volcano');
select translate_home_carousel_slide(67, 'es', 'Volcán de Santa Margarida');
select translate_home_carousel_slide(68, 'en', 'Sadernes dark gorge');
select translate_home_carousel_slide(68, 'es', 'Piletón oscuro Sadernes');
select add_services_carousel_slide(76, 'La Garrotxa');
select add_services_carousel_slide(77, 'Tenda');
select add_services_carousel_slide(78, 'Parceŀles');
select add_services_carousel_slide(79, 'Hamaca');
select add_services_carousel_slide(63, 'Safari Tents');
select translate_services_carousel_slide(77, 'en', 'Tent');
select translate_services_carousel_slide(77, 'es', 'Tenda');
select translate_services_carousel_slide(78, 'en', 'Plots');
select translate_services_carousel_slide(78, 'es', 'Parcelas');
select translate_services_carousel_slide(79, 'en', 'Hammock');
select translate_services_carousel_slide(79, 'es', 'Amaca');
select translate_services_carousel_slide(63, 'en', 'Safari Tents');
select translate_services_carousel_slide(63, 'es', 'Tiendas Safari');
Replace serial columns with ‘generated by default as identity’ I just found out that this is a feature introduced in PostgreSQL 10, back in 2017. Besides this being the standard way to define an “auto incremental column” introduced in SQL:2003[0], called “identity columns”, in PostgreSQL the new syntax has the following pros, according to [1]: * No need to explicitly grant usage on the generated sequence. * Can restart the sequence with only the name of the table and column; no need to know the sequence’s name. * An identity column has no default, and the sequence is better “linked” to the table, therefore you can not drop the default value but leave the sequence around, and, conversely, can not drop the sequence if the column is still defined. Due to this, PostgreSQL’s authors recommendation is to use identity columns instead of serial, unless there is the need for compatibility with PostgreSQL older than 10[2], which is not our case. According to PostgreSQL’s documentation[3], the identity column can be ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’ or ‘GENERATED ALWAYS’. In the latter case, it is not possible to give a user-specified value when inserting unless specifying ‘OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE’. I think this would make harder to write pgTAP tests, and the old behaviour of serial, which is equivalent to ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’, did not bring me any trouble so far. [0]: [1]: [2]:'t_Do_This#Don.27t_use_serial [3]:
2023-09-26 17:35:16 +00:00
alter table campsite_type alter column campsite_type_id restart with 72;
select add_campsite_type(52, 62, 'Parceŀles', '<h3>Acampa enmig de la natura</h3><p>Ubicats al costat muntanya del càmping i amb vista a la natura que ens envolta.</p><p>Parcel·les amples amb serveis a prop don ets per fer allò que vols.</p>', '<h4>Proxo/terrassa (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Moblat</li></ul><h4>Planta baixa (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Sala menjador</li><li>Cuina equipada</li><li>Una habitació llit doble (150×200)</li><li>Bany complet</li></ul><h4>Planta altell (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Tres llits individuals (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>El preu inclou</h4><ul><li>Llençols i nòrdic</li><li>Cistella de benvinguda: oli doliva, sal, sucre, cafè i te</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Plaça daparcament per un cotxe</li><li>Kit nadó (bressol, trona i banyera) <em>sota reserva</em></li></ul><p>* Tovalloles: preu extra</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '15 h a 21 h', '12 h', 6, true);
select add_campsite_type(52, 63, 'Safari Tents', '<h3>Glàmping a la teva disposició</h3><p>Un luxe de tendes per viure aventures.</p><p>Dues tendes amb terra de fusta, llits, cuina i tot de comoditats per gaudir de les teves vacances.</p>', '<h4>Proxo/terrassa (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Moblat</li></ul><h4>Planta baixa (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Sala menjador</li><li>Cuina equipada</li><li>Una habitació llit doble (150×200)</li><li>Bany complet</li></ul><h4>Planta altell (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Tres llits individuals (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>El preu inclou</h4><ul><li>Llençols i nòrdic</li><li>Cistella de benvinguda: oli doliva, sal, sucre, cafè i te</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Plaça daparcament per un cotxe</li><li>Kit nadó (bressol, trona i banyera) <em>sota reserva</em></li></ul><p>* Tovalloles: preu extra</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '16 h a 21 h', '10 h', 6, false);
select add_campsite_type(52, 64, 'Bungalous', '<h3>Allotjaments de luxe</h3><p>Ubicats al costat muntanya del càmping i amb vista a la natura que ens envolta.</p><p>Dues cabanes de fusta massissa de dues plantes i amb porxo cobert per gaudir entre arbres.</p>', '<h4>Proxo/terrassa (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Moblat</li></ul><h4>Planta baixa (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Sala menjador</li><li>Cuina equipada</li><li>Una habitació llit doble (150×200)</li><li>Bany complet</li></ul><h4>Planta altell (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Tres llits individuals (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>El preu inclou</h4><ul><li>Llençols i nòrdic</li><li>Cistella de benvinguda: oli doliva, sal, sucre, cafè i te</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Plaça daparcament per un cotxe</li><li>Kit nadó (bressol, trona i banyera) <em>sota reserva</em></li></ul><p>* Tovalloles: preu extra</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '15 h a 21 h', '12 h', 5, false);
select add_campsite_type(52, 65, 'Bungalous prèmium', '<h3>Allotjaments de luxe</h3><p>Ubicats al costat muntanya del càmping i amb vista a la natura que ens envolta.</p><p>Dues cabanes de fusta massissa de dues plantes i amb porxo cobert per gaudir entre arbres.</p>', '<h4>Proxo/terrassa (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Moblat</li></ul><h4>Planta baixa (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Sala menjador</li><li>Cuina equipada</li><li>Una habitació llit doble (150×200)</li><li>Bany complet</li></ul><h4>Planta altell (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Tres llits individuals (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>El preu inclou</h4><ul><li>Llençols i nòrdic</li><li>Cistella de benvinguda: oli doliva, sal, sucre, cafè i te</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Plaça daparcament per un cotxe</li><li>Kit nadó (bressol, trona i banyera) <em>sota reserva</em></li></ul><p>* Tovalloles: preu extra</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '15 h a 21 h', '12 h', 5, false);
select add_campsite_type(52, 66, 'Cabanes de fusta', '<h3>Allotjaments de luxe</h3><p>Ubicats al costat muntanya del càmping i amb vista a la natura que ens envolta.</p><p>Dues cabanes de fusta massissa de dues plantes i amb porxo cobert per gaudir entre arbres.</p>', '<h4>Proxo/terrassa (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Moblat</li></ul><h4>Planta baixa (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Sala menjador</li><li>Cuina equipada</li><li>Una habitació llit doble (150×200)</li><li>Bany complet</li></ul><h4>Planta altell (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Tres llits individuals (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>El preu inclou</h4><ul><li>Llençols i nòrdic</li><li>Cistella de benvinguda: oli doliva, sal, sucre, cafè i te</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Plaça daparcament per un cotxe</li><li>Kit nadó (bressol, trona i banyera) <em>sota reserva</em></li></ul><p>* Tovalloles: preu extra</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '15 h a 21 h', '12 h', 5, false);
insert into campsite_type_i18n (campsite_type_id, lang_tag, name, spiel, info, facilities, description, additional_info, check_in, check_out)
values (72, 'en', 'Plots', '<h3>Camp in the middle of nature</h3><p>Located on the campgrounds mountain-side and overlooking the nature that surrounds us.</p><p>Large plots with serivces close to where you are to do what you want.</p>', '<h4>Porch/terrace (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Furnished</li></ul><h4>First floor (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Dining room</li><li>Equipped kitchen</li><li>One room with a double bed (150×200)</li><li>Full bathroom</li></ul><h4>Loft floor (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Three individual beds (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>Price includes</h4><ul><li>Sheets and duvet</li><li>Welcome basket: olive oil, salt, sugar, coffee, and tea</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Parking space for one car</li><li>Baby Kit (bassinet, high chair, and bathtub) <em>reservation required</em></li></ul><p>* Towels: extra cost</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '3 p.m. to 9 p.m.', '12 a.m.')
, (72, 'es', 'Parcelas', '<h3>Acampa enmedio de la naturaleza</h3><p>Ubicadas al lado montaña del camping y con vista a la naturaleza que nos rodea.</p><p>Parcelas amplias con servicios cerca de donde eres para hacer aquello que quieres.</p>', '<h4>Proche/terraza (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Moblado</li></ul><h4>Planta baja (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Sala comedor</li><li>Cocina equipada</li><li>Una habitación cama doble (150×200)</li><li>Baño completo</li></ul><h4>Planta altillo (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Tres camas individuales (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>El precio incluye</h4><ul><li>Sábanas y nórdico</li><li>Cesto de bienvenida: aceite de oliva, sal, azúcar, café y té</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Plaza de aparcamiento para un coche</li><li>Kit bebé (cuna, trona y bañera) <em>bajo reserva</em></li></ul><p>* Toallas: precio extra</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '15 h a 21 h', '12 h')
, (73, 'en', 'Safari Tents', '<h3>Glamping at your disposal</h3><p>A luxury of tent for unforgettable adventures.</p><p>Two tents with wooden floors, beds, kitchen, and all the amenities to enjoy your vacation.</p>', '<h4>Porch/terrace (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Furnished</li></ul><h4>First floor (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Dining room</li><li>Equipped kitchen</li><li>One room with a double bed (150×200)</li><li>Full bathroom</li></ul><h4>Loft floor (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Three individual beds (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>Price includes</h4><ul><li>Sheets and duvet</li><li>Welcome basket: olive oil, salt, sugar, coffee, and tea</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Parking space for one car</li><li>Baby Kit (bassinet, high chair, and bathtub) <em>reservation required</em></li></ul><p>* Towels: extra cost</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '4 p.m. to 9 p.m.', '12 a.m.')
, (73, 'es', 'Tiendas Safari', '<h3>Glamping a tu disposición</h3><p>Un lujo de tiendas para vivir aventuras.</p><p>Dos tiendas con suelo de madera, camas, cocina y todo de comodidades para disfrutar de tus vacanciones.</p>', '<h4>Proche/terraza (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Moblado</li></ul><h4>Planta baja (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Sala comedor</li><li>Cocina equipada</li><li>Una habitación cama doble (150×200)</li><li>Baño completo</li></ul><h4>Planta altillo (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Tres camas individuales (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>El precio incluye</h4><ul><li>Sábanas y nórdico</li><li>Cesto de bienvenida: aceite de oliva, sal, azúcar, café y té</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Plaza de aparcamiento para un coche</li><li>Kit bebé (cuna, trona y bañera) <em>bajo reserva</em></li></ul><p>* Toallas: precio extra</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '16 h a 21 h', '12 h')
, (74, 'en', 'Bungalows', '<h3>Luxury accomomdations</h3><p>Located on the campgrounds mountain-side and overlooking the nature that surrounds us.</p><p>Two two-story solid wood cabins with a covered porch to enjoy among the trees.</p>', '<h4>Porch/terrace (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Furnished</li></ul><h4>First floor (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Dining room</li><li>Equipped kitchen</li><li>One room with a double bed (150×200)</li><li>Full bathroom</li></ul><h4>Loft floor (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Three individual beds (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>Price includes</h4><ul><li>Sheets and duvet</li><li>Welcome basket: olive oil, salt, sugar, coffee, and tea</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Parking space for one car</li><li>Baby Kit (bassinet, high chair, and bathtub) <em>reservation required</em></li></ul><p>* Towels: extra cost</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '3 p.m. to 9 p.m.', '12 a.m.')
, (74, 'es', 'Bungalós', '<h3>Alojamientos de lujo</h3><p>Ubicadas al lado montaña del camping y con vista a la naturaleza que nos rodea.</p><p>Dos cabañas de madera maciza de dos plantas y con porche cubierto para disfutrar entre árboles.</p>', '<h4>Proche/terraza (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Moblado</li></ul><h4>Planta baja (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Sala comedor</li><li>Cocina equipada</li><li>Una habitación cama doble (150×200)</li><li>Baño completo</li></ul><h4>Planta altillo (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Tres camas individuales (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>El precio incluye</h4><ul><li>Sábanas y nórdico</li><li>Cesto de bienvenida: aceite de oliva, sal, azúcar, café y té</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Plaza de aparcamiento para un coche</li><li>Kit bebé (cuna, trona y bañera) <em>bajo reserva</em></li></ul><p>* Toallas: precio extra</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '15 h a 21 h', '12 h')
, (75, 'en', 'Bungalows premium', '<h3>Luxury accomomdations</h3><p>Located on the campgrounds mountain-side and overlooking the nature that surrounds us.</p><p>Two two-story solid wood cabins with a covered porch to enjoy among the trees.</p>', '<h4>Porch/terrace (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Furnished</li></ul><h4>First floor (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Dining room</li><li>Equipped kitchen</li><li>One room with a double bed (150×200)</li><li>Full bathroom</li></ul><h4>Loft floor (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Three individual beds (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>Price includes</h4><ul><li>Sheets and duvet</li><li>Welcome basket: olive oil, salt, sugar, coffee, and tea</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Parking space for one car</li><li>Baby Kit (bassinet, high chair, and bathtub) <em>reservation required</em></li></ul><p>* Towels: extra cost</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '3 p.m. to 9 p.m.', '12 a.m.')
, (75, 'es', 'Bungalós prémium', '<h3>Alojamientos de lujo</h3><p>Ubicadas al lado montaña del camping y con vista a la naturaleza que nos rodea.</p><p>Dos cabañas de madera maciza de dos plantas y con porche cubierto para disfutrar entre árboles.</p>', '<h4>Proche/terraza (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Moblado</li></ul><h4>Planta baja (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Sala comedor</li><li>Cocina equipada</li><li>Una habitación cama doble (150×200)</li><li>Baño completo</li></ul><h4>Planta altillo (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Tres camas individuales (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>El precio incluye</h4><ul><li>Sábanas y nórdico</li><li>Cesto de bienvenida: aceite de oliva, sal, azúcar, café y té</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Plaza de aparcamiento para un coche</li><li>Kit bebé (cuna, trona y bañera) <em>bajo reserva</em></li></ul><p>* Toallas: precio extra</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '15 h a 21 h', '12 h')
, (76, 'en', 'Wooden Lodges', '<h3>Luxury accomomdations</h3><p>Located on the campgrounds mountain-side and overlooking the nature that surrounds us.</p><p>Two two-story solid wood cabins with a covered porch to enjoy among the trees.</p>', '<h4>Porch/terrace (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Furnished</li></ul><h4>First floor (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Dining room</li><li>Equipped kitchen</li><li>One room with a double bed (150×200)</li><li>Full bathroom</li></ul><h4>Loft floor (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Three individual beds (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>Price includes</h4><ul><li>Sheets and duvet</li><li>Welcome basket: olive oil, salt, sugar, coffee, and tea</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Parking space for one car</li><li>Baby Kit (bassinet, high chair, and bathtub) <em>reservation required</em></li></ul><p>* Towels: extra cost</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '3 p.m. to 9 p.m.', '12 a.m.')
, (76, 'es', 'Cabañas de madera', '<h3>Alojamientos de lujo</h3><p>Ubicadas al lado montaña del camping y con vista a la naturaleza que nos rodea.</p><p>Dos cabañas de madera maciza de dos plantas y con porche cubierto para disfutrar entre árboles.</p>', '<h4>Proche/terraza (13 m²)</h4><ul><li>Moblado</li></ul><h4>Planta baja (32 m²)</h4><ul><li>Sala comedor</li><li>Cocina equipada</li><li>Una habitación cama doble (150×200)</li><li>Baño completo</li></ul><h4>Planta altillo (16 m²)</h4><ul><li>Tres camas individuales (90×200)</li></ul>', '<h4>El precio incluye</h4><ul><li>Sábanas y nórdico</li><li>Cesto de bienvenida: aceite de oliva, sal, azúcar, café y té</li><li>WiFi</li><li>Plaza de aparcamiento para un coche</li><li>Kit bebé (cuna, trona y bañera) <em>bajo reserva</em></li></ul><p>* Toallas: precio extra</p>', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</p><p>Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>', '', '15 h a 21 h', '12 h')
alter table campsite_type_feature alter column campsite_type_feature_id restart with 82;
insert into campsite_type_feature (campsite_type_id, icon_name, name)
values (72, 'person', 'Máx. 5 pers.')
, (72, 'area', 'Cabana 48 m² Porxo 13 ')
, (72, 'wifi', 'WiFi')
, (72, 'hvac', 'Climatització')
, (72, 'ecofriendly', 'Eco-sostenible')
, (72, 'nopet', 'Gossos NO')
, (73, 'person', 'Máx. 5 pers.')
, (73, 'area', 'Cabana 48 m² Porxo 13 ')
, (73, 'wifi', 'WiFi')
, (73, 'hvac', 'Climatització')
, (73, 'ecofriendly', 'Eco-sostenible')
, (73, 'nopet', 'Gossos NO')
, (74, 'person', 'Máx. 5 pers.')
, (74, 'area', 'Cabana 48 m² Porxo 13 ')
, (74, 'wifi', 'WiFi')
, (74, 'hvac', 'Climatització')
, (74, 'ecofriendly', 'Eco-sostenible')
, (74, 'nopet', 'Gossos NO')
, (75, 'person', 'Máx. 5 pers.')
, (75, 'area', 'Cabana 48 m² Porxo 13 ')
, (75, 'wifi', 'WiFi')
, (75, 'hvac', 'Climatització')
, (75, 'ecofriendly', 'Eco-sostenible')
, (75, 'nopet', 'Gossos NO')
, (76, 'person', 'Máx. 5 pers.')
, (76, 'area', 'Cabana 48 m² Porxo 13 ')
, (76, 'wifi', 'WiFi')
, (76, 'hvac', 'Climatització')
, (76, 'ecofriendly', 'Eco-sostenible')
, (76, 'nopet', 'Gossos NO')
insert into campsite_type_feature_i18n (campsite_type_feature_id, lang_tag, name)
values (82, 'en', 'Max. 5 pax')
, (82, 'es', 'Máx. 5 pers.')
, (83, 'en', 'Cabin 48 m² Porch 13 ')
, (83, 'es', 'Cabaña 48 m² Porche 13 ')
, (85, 'en', 'Climate Control')
, (85, 'es', 'Climatización')
, (86, 'en', 'Eco-sustainable')
, (86, 'es', 'Eco-sostenible')
, (87, 'en', 'Dogs NOT allowed')
, (87, 'es', 'Perros NO')
, (88, 'en', 'Max. 5 pax')
, (88, 'es', 'Máx. 5 pers.')
, (89, 'en', 'Cabin 48 m² Porch 13 ')
, (89, 'es', 'Cabaña 48 m² Porche 13 ')
, (91, 'en', 'Climate Control')
, (91, 'es', 'Climatización')
, (92, 'en', 'Eco-sustainable')
, (92, 'es', 'Eco-sostenible')
, (93, 'en', 'Dogs NOT allowed')
, (93, 'es', 'Perros NO')
, (94, 'en', 'Max. 5 pax')
, (94, 'es', 'Máx. 5 pers.')
, (95, 'en', 'Cabin 48 m² Porch 13 ')
, (95, 'es', 'Cabaña 48 m² Porche 13 ')
, (97, 'en', 'Climate Control')
, (97, 'es', 'Climatización')
, (98, 'en', 'Eco-sustainable')
, (98, 'es', 'Eco-sostenible')
, (99, 'en', 'Dogs NOT allowed')
, (99, 'es', 'Perros NO')
, (100, 'en', 'Max. 5 pax')
, (100, 'es', 'Máx. 5 pers.')
, (101, 'en', 'Cabin 48 m² Porch 13 ')
, (101, 'es', 'Cabaña 48 m² Porche 13 ')
, (103, 'en', 'Climate Control')
, (103, 'es', 'Climatización')
, (104, 'en', 'Eco-sustainable')
, (104, 'es', 'Eco-sostenible')
, (105, 'en', 'Dogs NOT allowed')
, (105, 'es', 'Perros NO')
, (106, 'en', 'Max. 5 pax')
, (106, 'es', 'Máx. 5 pers.')
, (107, 'en', 'Cabin 48 m² Porch 13 ')
, (107, 'es', 'Cabaña 48 m² Porche 13 ')
, (109, 'en', 'Climate Control')
, (109, 'es', 'Climatización')
, (110, 'en', 'Eco-sustainable')
, (110, 'es', 'Eco-sostenible')
, (111, 'en', 'Dogs NOT allowed')
, (111, 'es', 'Perros NO')
Replace serial columns with ‘generated by default as identity’ I just found out that this is a feature introduced in PostgreSQL 10, back in 2017. Besides this being the standard way to define an “auto incremental column” introduced in SQL:2003[0], called “identity columns”, in PostgreSQL the new syntax has the following pros, according to [1]: * No need to explicitly grant usage on the generated sequence. * Can restart the sequence with only the name of the table and column; no need to know the sequence’s name. * An identity column has no default, and the sequence is better “linked” to the table, therefore you can not drop the default value but leave the sequence around, and, conversely, can not drop the sequence if the column is still defined. Due to this, PostgreSQL’s authors recommendation is to use identity columns instead of serial, unless there is the need for compatibility with PostgreSQL older than 10[2], which is not our case. According to PostgreSQL’s documentation[3], the identity column can be ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’ or ‘GENERATED ALWAYS’. In the latter case, it is not possible to give a user-specified value when inserting unless specifying ‘OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE’. I think this would make harder to write pgTAP tests, and the old behaviour of serial, which is equivalent to ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’, did not bring me any trouble so far. [0]: [1]: [2]:'t_Do_This#Don.27t_use_serial [3]:
2023-09-26 17:35:16 +00:00
alter table campsite alter column campsite_id restart with 82;
select add_campsite(72, '2');
select add_campsite(72, '3');
select add_campsite(72, '4');
select add_campsite(72, '5');
select add_campsite(72, '6');
select add_campsite(72, '7');
select add_campsite(72, '8');
select add_campsite(72, '9');
select add_campsite(72, '10');
select add_campsite(72, '11');
select add_campsite(72, '12');
select add_campsite(72, '14');
select add_campsite(72, '15');
select add_campsite(72, '16');
select add_campsite(72, '17');
select add_campsite(72, '18');
select add_campsite(72, '19');
select add_campsite(72, '20');
select add_campsite(72, '21');
select add_campsite(72, '22');
select add_campsite(72, '23');
select add_campsite(72, '24');
select add_campsite(72, '25');
select add_campsite(72, '26');
select add_campsite(72, '27');
select add_campsite(72, '28');
select add_campsite(72, '29');
select add_campsite(72, '42');
select add_campsite(72, '43');
select add_campsite(72, '44');
select add_campsite(72, '45');
select add_campsite(72, '46');
select add_campsite(72, '47');
select add_campsite(72, '48');
select add_campsite(72, '50');
select add_campsite(72, '51');
select add_campsite(72, '52');
select add_campsite(72, '53');
select add_campsite(72, '54');
select add_campsite(72, '55');
select add_campsite(72, '56');
select add_campsite(72, '57');
select add_campsite(72, '58');
select add_campsite(72, '59');
select add_campsite(72, '60');
select add_campsite(72, '61');
select add_campsite(72, '62');
select add_campsite(72, '63');
select add_campsite(72, '64');
select add_campsite(72, '65');
select add_campsite(72, '69');
select add_campsite(72, '70');
select add_campsite(72, '71');
select add_campsite(72, '72');
select add_campsite(72, '73');
select add_campsite(72, '74');
select add_campsite(72, '75');
select add_campsite(72, '76');
select add_campsite(72, '77');
select add_campsite(73, '78');
select add_campsite(72, '79');
select add_campsite(72, '80');
select add_campsite(72, '81');
select add_campsite(72, '82');
select add_campsite(72, '83');
select add_campsite(76, '84');
select add_campsite(76, '85');
select add_campsite(72, '89');
select add_campsite(72, '90');
select add_campsite(72, '91');
select add_campsite(72, '92');
select add_campsite(72, '93');
select add_campsite(72, '94');
select add_campsite(72, '95');
select add_campsite(72, '96');
select add_campsite(72, '97');
select add_campsite(72, '98');
select add_campsite(72, 'B1');
select add_campsite(72, 'D1');
select add_campsite(72, 'D2');
select add_campsite(72, 'D3');
select add_campsite(72, 'D4');
Replace serial columns with ‘generated by default as identity’ I just found out that this is a feature introduced in PostgreSQL 10, back in 2017. Besides this being the standard way to define an “auto incremental column” introduced in SQL:2003[0], called “identity columns”, in PostgreSQL the new syntax has the following pros, according to [1]: * No need to explicitly grant usage on the generated sequence. * Can restart the sequence with only the name of the table and column; no need to know the sequence’s name. * An identity column has no default, and the sequence is better “linked” to the table, therefore you can not drop the default value but leave the sequence around, and, conversely, can not drop the sequence if the column is still defined. Due to this, PostgreSQL’s authors recommendation is to use identity columns instead of serial, unless there is the need for compatibility with PostgreSQL older than 10[2], which is not our case. According to PostgreSQL’s documentation[3], the identity column can be ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’ or ‘GENERATED ALWAYS’. In the latter case, it is not possible to give a user-specified value when inserting unless specifying ‘OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE’. I think this would make harder to write pgTAP tests, and the old behaviour of serial, which is equivalent to ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’, did not bring me any trouble so far. [0]: [1]: [2]:'t_Do_This#Don.27t_use_serial [3]:
2023-09-26 17:35:16 +00:00
alter table service alter column service_id restart with 82;
insert into service (company_id, icon_name, name, description)
values (52, 'information', 'Informació', '<p>A la recepció linformarem del que pot fer des del càmping mateix o pels voltants.</p>')
, (52, 'wifi', 'WiFi', '<p>Un 80 % de làrea del càmping disposa daccés WiFi lliure.</p>')
, (52, 'restaurant', 'Bar & Tapes', '<p>Oberts:</p><ul><li>De l01/07 al 28/08: cada dia</li><li>Dabril a setembre: caps de setmana i ponts</li></ul>')
, (52, 'store', 'Botiga', '<p>Oberta a diari.</p><p>Venda de pa del dia per encàrrec.</p>')
, (52, 'wheelchair', 'Accessibilitat', '<p>Piscines i serveis del càmping adaptats a persones amb mobilitat reduïda.</p>')
, (52, 'toilet', 'Lavabos', '<p>Ubicació central i pràctica. Nets i ben mantinguts.</p>')
, (52, 'shower', 'Dutxa', '<p>Aigua calenta, sense fitxes.</p>')
, (52, 'baby', 'Bany per nadons', '<p>Bany individual per nadons, amb banyera i canviador.</p>')
, (52, 'pool', 'Piscina', '<p>Piscina per adults i piscina infantil.</p><p><em>(Piscines amb aigua salada.)</em></p>')
, (52, 'campfire', 'Barbacoa', '<p>Trobareu una barbacoa comunitària de carbó o la possibilitat de llogar una barbacoa de gas (no es pot fer servir llenya o carbó en les parcel·les).</p>')
, (52, 'rv', 'Estació servei per autocaravanes', '<p>Situada a lentrada del càmping.</p>')
, (52, 'castle', 'Zona de jocs', '<p>Una zona central pels més menuts.</p>')
, (52, 'ball', 'Camp desport', '<p>Amb camp de futbol, voley, tenis-taula i espai per jugar.</p>')
, (52, 'puzzle', 'Sala de jocs i televisió', '<p>Una sala pels dies de mal temps.</p>')
, (52, 'washer', 'Rentadores i assecadores', '<p>Als safareigs del càmping hi ha dues rentadores i una assecadora que funcionen amb fitxes.</p>')
, (52, 'fridge', 'Lloguer de neveres', '<p>Possibilitat de llogar neveres per estades llargues amb <a href="">Rent It</a>.</p>')
insert into service_i18n (service_id, lang_tag, name, description)
values (82, 'en', 'Information', '<p>At reception we will inform you of what you can do from the campsite itself or in the surrounding area.</p>')
, (82, 'es', 'Información', '<p>A recepción le informaremos de qué puede hacer en el camping o por los alrededores.</p>')
, (83, 'en', 'WiFi', '<p>80 % of the campsite area has free WiFi access.</p>')
, (83, 'es', 'WiFi', '<p>Un 80 % del área del camping dispone de acceso WiFi libre.</p>')
, (84, 'en', 'Bar & Tapas', '<p>Open:</p><ul><li>From 07/01 to 08/28: everyday</li><li>From April to September: weekends and holidays</li></ul>')
, (84, 'es', 'Bar & Tapas', '<p>Abierto:</p><ul><li>Del 01/07 al 28/08: cada día</li><li>De abril a setiembre: fines de semana y puentes</li></ul>')
, (85, 'en', 'Shop', '<p>Open daily</p><p>Sale of daily bread to order.</p>')
, (85, 'es', 'Tienda', '<p>Abierta a diario.</p><p>Venta de pan del día por encargo.</p>')
, (86, 'en', 'Accessibility', '<p>Swimming pools and campsite services adapted to people with reduced mobility.</p>')
, (86, 'es', 'Acesibilidad', '<p>Piscinas y servicios del camping adaptados a personas con mobilidad reducida.</p>')
, (87, 'en', 'Toilets', '<p>Central and practical location. Clean and well maintained.</p>')
, (87, 'es', 'Lavabos', '<p>Ubicación central y práctica. Limpios y bien mantenidos.</p>')
, (88, 'en', 'Showers', '<p>Hot water, no tokens.</p>')
, (88, 'es', 'Duchas', '<p>Agua caliente, sin fichas.</p>')
, (89, 'en', 'Baby baths', '<p>Individual bathroom for babies, with bathtub and changing table.</p>')
, (89, 'es', 'Baño para bebés', '<p>Baños individuales para bebés, con bañera y cambiador.</p>')
, (90, 'en', 'Swimming pool', '<p>Adult pool and childrens pool.</p><p><em>(Salt water swimming pools.)</em></p>')
, (90, 'es', 'Piscina', '<p>Piscina para adultos y piscina infantil.</p><p><em>(Piscinas con agua salada.)</em></p>')
, (91, 'en', 'Barbecue', '<p>You will find a communal charcoal barbecue or the possibility of renting a gas barbecue (no wood or charcoal can be used on the plots).</p>')
, (91, 'es', 'Barbacoa', '<p>Encontraréis una barbacoa comunitaria de carbón o la posibilidad de alquilar una barbacoa de gas (no se puede utilizar leña o carbón en las parcelas).</p>')
, (92, 'en', 'RV service station', '<p>Located at the entrance of the campsite.</p>')
, (92, 'es', 'Estación servicio para autocaravanas', '<p>Situada en la entrada del camping.</p>')
, (93, 'en', 'Play area', '<p>A central area for the little ones.</p>')
, (93, 'es', 'Zona de juegos', '<p>Una zona central para los más pequeños.</p>')
, (94, 'en', 'Sports area', '<p>With football field, volleyball, table tennis and room to play.</p>')
, (94, 'es', 'Campo de deporte', '<p>Con campo de fútbol, voley, pimpón i espacio para jugar.</p>')
, (95, 'en', 'Games and television room', '<p>A room for bad weather days.</p>')
, (95, 'es', 'Sala de juegos y televisión', '<p>Una sala para los días de mal tiempo.</p>')
, (96, 'en', 'Washing machines and dryers', '<p>There are two token-operated washing machines and a dryer in the campsites laundry facilities.</p>')
, (96, 'es', 'Lavadora y secadoras', '<p>A los lavaderos del camping hay dos lavadoras y una secadora que funcionana con fichas.</p>')
, (97, 'en', 'Fridge rental', '<p>Possibility to rent refrigerators for long stays with <a href="">Rent It</a>.</p>')
, (97, 'es', 'Alquiler de neveras', '<p>Posibilidad de alquilar neveras para estancias largas con <a href="">Rent It</a>.</p>')
Replace serial columns with ‘generated by default as identity’ I just found out that this is a feature introduced in PostgreSQL 10, back in 2017. Besides this being the standard way to define an “auto incremental column” introduced in SQL:2003[0], called “identity columns”, in PostgreSQL the new syntax has the following pros, according to [1]: * No need to explicitly grant usage on the generated sequence. * Can restart the sequence with only the name of the table and column; no need to know the sequence’s name. * An identity column has no default, and the sequence is better “linked” to the table, therefore you can not drop the default value but leave the sequence around, and, conversely, can not drop the sequence if the column is still defined. Due to this, PostgreSQL’s authors recommendation is to use identity columns instead of serial, unless there is the need for compatibility with PostgreSQL older than 10[2], which is not our case. According to PostgreSQL’s documentation[3], the identity column can be ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’ or ‘GENERATED ALWAYS’. In the latter case, it is not possible to give a user-specified value when inserting unless specifying ‘OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE’. I think this would make harder to write pgTAP tests, and the old behaviour of serial, which is equivalent to ‘GENERATED BY DEFAULT’, did not bring me any trouble so far. [0]: [1]: [2]:'t_Do_This#Don.27t_use_serial [3]:
2023-09-26 17:35:16 +00:00
alter table season alter column season_id restart with 92;
2023-09-26 16:54:20 +00:00
select add_season(52, 'Temporada alta', '#ff926c');
select add_season(52, 'Temporada mitjana', '#ffe37f');
select add_season(52, 'Temporada baixa', '#00aa7d');
insert into season_i18n (season_id, lang_tag, name)
values (92, 'en', 'Peak season')
, (92, 'es', 'Temporada alta')
, (93, 'en', 'Shoulder season')
, (93, 'es', 'Temporada media')
, (94, 'en', 'Offseason')
, (94, 'es', 'Temporada baja')
select set_season_range(92, '[2023-04-06, 2023-04-10]');
select set_season_range(94, '[2023-04-11, 2023-04-27]');
select set_season_range(93, '[2023-04-28, 2023-04-30]');
select set_season_range(94, '[2023-05-01, 2023-06-01]');
select set_season_range(93, '[2023-06-02, 2023-06-03]');
select set_season_range(94, '[2023-06-04, 2023-06-08]');
select set_season_range(93, '[2023-06-09, 2023-06-10]');
select set_season_range(94, '[2023-06-11, 2023-06-15]');
select set_season_range(93, '[2023-06-16, 2023-06-22]');
select set_season_range(92, '[2023-06-23, 2023-06-25]');
select set_season_range(93, '[2023-06-26, 2023-06-30]');
select set_season_range(92, '[2023-07-01, 2023-08-27]');
select set_season_range(93, '[2023-08-28, 2023-09-02]');
select set_season_range(94, '[2023-09-03, 2023-09-07]');
select set_season_range(93, '[2023-09-08, 2023-09-10]');
select set_season_range(94, '[2023-09-11, 2023-09-14]');
select set_season_range(93, '[2023-09-15, 2023-09-16]');
select set_season_range(94, '[2023-09-17, 2023-09-21]');
select set_season_range(93, '[2023-09-22, 2023-09-23]');
select set_season_range(94, '[2023-09-24, 2023-09-28]');
select set_season_range(93, '[2023-09-29, 2023-09-30]');
select set_season_range(94, '[2023-10-01, 2023-10-12]');
2023-10-01 19:14:39 +00:00
insert into campsite_type_cost (campsite_type_id, season_id, cost_per_night, min_nights)
values (72, 92, 20000, 1)
, (72, 93, 16500, 1)
, (72, 94, 12500, 1)
2023-10-01 19:14:39 +00:00
, (73, 92, 20000, 2)
, (73, 93, 16500, 2)
, (73, 94, 12500, 2)
, (74, 92, 20000, 2)
, (74, 93, 16500, 2)
, (74, 94, 12500, 2)
, (75, 92, 20000, 2)
, (75, 93, 16500, 2)
, (75, 94, 12500, 2)
, (76, 92, 20000, 2)
, (76, 93, 16500, 2)
, (76, 94, 12500, 2)
2023-10-01 19:14:39 +00:00
alter table campsite_type_option alter column campsite_type_option_id restart with 102;
insert into campsite_type_option (campsite_type_id, name, range)
values (72, 'Adults', '[1, 6]')
, (72, 'Nens (de 2 a 10 anys)', '[0, 4]')
, (72, 'Tenda petita (màx. 2 pers.)', '[0, 3]')
, (72, 'Tenda gran', '[0, 3]')
, (72, 'Caravana', '[0, 3]')
, (72, 'Autocaravana', '[0, 3]')
, (72, 'Furgoneta', '[0, 3]')
, (72, 'Cotxe', '[0, 3]')
, (72, 'Moto', '[0, 3]')
, (72, 'Punt electricitat', '[0, 4]')
insert into campsite_type_option_i18n (campsite_type_option_id, lang_tag, name)
values (102, 'en', 'Adults')
, (102, 'es', 'Adultos')
, (103, 'en', 'Children (from 2 to 10 years)')
, (103, 'es', 'Niños (de 2 a 10 años)')
, (104, 'en', 'Small tent (2 pax max.)')
, (104, 'es', 'Tienda pequeña (máx. 2 pers.)')
, (105, 'en', 'Big tent')
, (105, 'es', 'Tienda grande')
, (106, 'en', 'Caravan')
, (106, 'es', 'Caravana')
, (107, 'en', 'Motorhome')
, (107, 'es', 'Autocaravana')
, (108, 'en', 'Van')
, (108, 'es', 'Furgoneta')
, (109, 'en', 'Car')
, (109, 'es', 'Coche')
, (110, 'en', 'Motorcycle')
, (110, 'es', 'Moto')
, (111, 'en', 'Electricity')
, (111, 'es', 'Puntos de electricidad')
insert into campsite_type_option_cost (campsite_type_option_id, season_id, cost_per_night)
values (102, 92, 795)
, (102, 93, 740)
, (102, 94, 660)
, (103, 92, 640)
, (103, 93, 590)
, (103, 94, 540)
, (104, 92, 620)
, (104, 93, 550)
, (104, 94, 500)
, (105, 92, 800)
, (105, 93, 720)
, (105, 94, 620)
, (106, 92, 900)
, (106, 93, 750)
, (106, 94, 650)
, (107, 92, 1220)
, (107, 93, 1100)
, (107, 94, 950)
, (108, 92, 950)
, (108, 93, 850)
, (108, 94, 750)
, (109, 92, 700)
, (109, 93, 630)
, (109, 94, 530)
, (110, 92, 400)
, (110, 93, 360)
, (110, 94, 360)
, (111, 92, 690)
, (111, 93, 610)
, (111, 94, 590)
2023-09-26 16:54:20 +00:00
insert into campsite_type_carousel (campsite_type_id, media_id, caption)
values (72, 77, 'Llegenda')
, (72, 78, 'Llegenda')
, (72, 79, 'Llegenda')
, (73, 63, 'Llegenda')
, (73, 80, 'Llegenda')
, (73, 81, 'Llegenda')
, (73, 82, 'Llegenda')
, (73, 83, 'Llegenda')
, (73, 84, 'Llegenda')
, (73, 85, 'Llegenda')
, (74, 64, 'Llegenda')
, (74, 65, 'Llegenda')
, (74, 86, 'Llegenda')
, (74, 87, 'Llegenda')
, (74, 88, 'Llegenda')
, (74, 89, 'Llegenda')
, (74, 90, 'Llegenda')
, (75, 65, 'Llegenda')
, (75, 64, 'Llegenda')
, (75, 88, 'Llegenda')
, (75, 86, 'Llegenda')
, (75, 87, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 91, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 92, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 93, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 94, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 95, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 96, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 97, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 98, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 99, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 100, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 101, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 102, 'Llegenda')
, (76, 103, 'Llegenda')
insert into campsite_type_carousel_i18n (campsite_type_id, media_id, lang_tag, caption)
values (72, 77, 'en', 'Legend')
, (72, 77, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (72, 78, 'en', 'Legend')
, (72, 78, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (72, 79, 'en', 'Legend')
, (72, 79, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (73, 63, 'en', 'Legend')
, (73, 63, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (73, 80, 'en', 'Legend')
, (73, 80, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (73, 81, 'en', 'Legend')
, (73, 81, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (73, 82, 'en', 'Legend')
, (73, 82, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (73, 83, 'en', 'Legend')
, (73, 83, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (73, 84, 'en', 'Legend')
, (73, 84, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (73, 85, 'en', 'Legend')
, (73, 85, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (74, 64, 'en', 'Legend')
, (74, 64, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (74, 65, 'en', 'Legend')
, (74, 65, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (74, 86, 'en', 'Legend')
, (74, 86, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (74, 87, 'en', 'Legend')
, (74, 87, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (74, 88, 'en', 'Legend')
, (74, 88, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (74, 89, 'en', 'Legend')
, (74, 89, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (74, 90, 'en', 'Legend')
, (74, 90, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (75, 65, 'en', 'Legend')
, (75, 65, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (75, 64, 'en', 'Legend')
, (75, 64, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (75, 88, 'en', 'Legend')
, (75, 88, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (75, 86, 'en', 'Legend')
, (75, 86, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (75, 87, 'en', 'Legend')
, (75, 87, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 91, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 91, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 92, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 92, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 93, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 93, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 94, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 94, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 95, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 95, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 96, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 96, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 97, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 97, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 98, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 98, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 99, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 99, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 100, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 100, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 101, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 101, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 102, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 102, 'es', 'Leyenda')
, (76, 103, 'en', 'Legend')
, (76, 103, 'es', 'Leyenda')
alter table surroundings_highlight alter column surroundings_highlight_id restart with 112;
select add_surroundings_highlight(52, 62, 'El Pont del Llierca', '<p>Pont destil romànic i bany natural a 400 m del càmping.</p>');
select add_surroundings_highlight(52, 63, 'Alta Garrotxa', '<p>Excursions pels voltants que no us podeu perdre:</p><ul><li>Sant Aniol dAgulla</li><li>La Cova del Bisbe</li><li>Santa Bàrbara de Pruneres</li></ul>');
select add_surroundings_highlight(52, 64, 'Sadernes', '<p>Zona descalada de Sadernes a 5 km del càmping</p><p>Escalada esportiva.</p><p>Descens de barrancs.</p>');
select add_surroundings_highlight(52, 65, 'Besalú', '<p>Vila comtal medieval a 15 minuts</p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select add_surroundings_highlight(52, 65, 'Parc natural de la zona volcànica de la Garrotxa', '<p>El millor exponent de paisatge volcànic de la península a només 20 minuts.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select add_surroundings_highlight(52, 66, 'Les millors platges a només una hora', '<p><a href=""></a></p>');
select add_surroundings_highlight(52, 67, 'Empordà', '<p>Esplèndida comarca entre el Pirineu i el Mediterrani. Figueres i el Museu Dalí a només 30 minuts.</p><p><a href=""></a><br/><a href=""></a></p>');
select add_surroundings_highlight(52, 68, 'Denominació dOrígen Empordà', '<p>Una experiència inoblidable, la Ruta del vi DO Empordà.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Autor de la foto: Rafael Lopez-Monné</p>');
select add_surroundings_highlight(52, 69, 'Pirineus', '<p>Pirineu de Girona</p><p>Cims de quasi 3.000 metres, valls i paratges màgics com la Vall de Núria.</p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select add_surroundings_highlight(52, 70, 'Girona', '<p>Val la pena visitar Girona: us recomanem visitar el Call Jueu, les Rambles, la catedral i els jardins que lenvolten…</p><p><a href="">Turisme Girona</a></p>');
select add_surroundings_highlight(52, 71, 'Barcelona', '<p>Barcelona és més que botigues o el Barça… Descobreix els seus barris i les seves «joies» i respira el seu ambient.</p><p><a href="">Turisme Barcelona</a></p>');
select order_surroundings_highlights('{112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122}');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(112, 'en', 'Bridge of Llierca', '<p>Romanesque style bridge and natural bath at only 400 m from the camp site.</p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(113, 'en', 'Alta Garrotxa', '<p>Walks in the neighbourhood that nobody should miss:</p><ul><li>Sant Aniol dAgulla</li><li>La Cova del Bisbe</li><li>Santa Bàrbara de Pruneres</li></ul>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(114, 'en', 'Sadernes', '<p>The Sadernes climbing area only 5 km from the camp site</p><p>Sport climbing.</p><p>Canyoning.</p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(115, 'en', 'Besalú', '<p>County medieval village only 15 minutes distance</p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(116, 'en', 'La Garrotxa volcanic zone natural park', '<p>The best exponent of volcanic scenery in the Iberian Peninsula at 20 minutes.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(117, 'en', 'The best beaches at only one hour', '<p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(118, 'en', 'Empordà', '<p>Splendid region between the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean sea. Figueres and the Dalí Museum at only 30 minutes.</p><p><a href=""></a><br/><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(119, 'en', 'Empordà Designation of Origin', '<p>An unforgetable experience, the DO Empordà wine rute.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Photo author: Rafael Lopez-Monné</p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(120, 'en', 'Pyrenees', '<p>The Girona Pyrenees</p><p>With mountains of up to 3.000 meters, valleys and magic places as the Núria Valley.</p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(121, 'en', 'Girona', '<p>Girona is worthwhile: we recommend to visit the Jewis Call, the Rambles, the cathedral and the gardens nearby…</p><p><a href="">Turisme Girona</a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(122, 'en', 'Barcelona', '<p>Barcelona is more than shops or Barça… Discover the quarters, their “jewels” and breathe the ambiance.</p><p><a href="">Turisme Barcelona</a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(112, 'es', 'El Puente del Llierca', '<p>Puente de estilo románico y baño natural a 400 m del camping.</p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(113, 'es', 'Alta Garrotxa', '<p>Excursiones por los alrededores que no os podéis perder:</p><ul><li>Sant Aniol dAgulla</li><li>La Cova del Bisbe</li><li>Santa Bàrbara de Pruneres</li></ul>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(114, 'es', 'Sadernes', '<p>Zona de escalada de Sadernes a 5 km del camping Escalada deportiva Descenso de barrancos.</p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(115, 'es', 'Besalú', '<p>Villa condal medieval a 15 minutos.</p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(116, 'es', 'Parque Natural de la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa', '<p>El mejor exponente de paisaje volcánico de la península a sólo 20 minutos.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(117, 'es', 'Las mejores playas a sólo una hora', '<p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(118, 'es', 'Empordà', '<p>Espléndida comarca entre los Pirineos y el Mediterráneo. Figueres y el Museo Dalí a sólo 30 minutos.</p><p><a href=""></a><br/><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(119, 'es', 'Denominación de Orígen Empordà', '<p>Una experiéncia inolvidable, la Ruta del vino DO Empordà.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Autor de la foto: Rafael Lopez-Monné</p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(120, 'es', 'Pirineos', '<p>Pirineos de Girona</p><p> Cimas de casi 3.000 metros, valles y parajes mágicos como el Valle de Núria.</p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(121, 'es', 'Girona', '<p>Girona vale una visita: os recomendamos visitar el Call Judío, las Ramblas, la catedral y los jardines que la rodean…</p><p><a href="">Turismo Girona</a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(122, 'es', 'Barcelona', '<p>Barcelona es más que tiendas o el Barça… Descubre sus barrios y sus «joyas» y respira su ambiente.</p><p><a href="">Turismo Barcelona</a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(112, 'fr', 'Le Pont de Llierca', '<p>Pont de style romain et bain naturel à 400 m du camping.</p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(113, 'fr', 'Haute Garrotxa', '<p>Randonnées incontournables:</p><ul><li>Sant Aniol dAgulla</li><li>La Cova del Bisbe</li><li>Santa Bàrbara de Pruneres</li></ul>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(114, 'fr', 'Sadernes', '<p>Zone descalade de Sadernes a 5 km du camping.</p><p>Escalade sportive.</p><p>Canyoning.</p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(115, 'fr', 'Besalú', '<p>Village médiévale à 15 minutes.</p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(116, 'fr', 'Parc naturel de la zone volcanique de la Garrotxa', '<p>Un magnifique paysage volcanique à seulement 20 minutes.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(117, 'fr', 'Les plus belles plages à moins dune heure', '<p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(118, 'fr', 'Empordà', '<p>Magnifique région entre Pyrénées et Méditerranée.</p><p>Figueres et le musée Dalí a seulement 30 minutes.</p><p><a href=""></a><br/><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(119, 'fr', 'Appellation dorigine Empordà', '<p>Une expérience inoubliable, la route des Vin DO Empordà</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Auteur de la photo: Rafael Lopez-Monné</p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(120, 'fr', 'Pyrénées', '<p>Pyrénées de Gérone.</p><p>Sommet de prêt de 3.000 mètres, vallées et lieux magiques comme la Vall de Núria.</p><p><a href=""></a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(121, 'fr', 'Gérone', '<p>Visite incontournable, principalement: le quartier juifs, les Rambles, la cathédrale et les jardins qui lentourent … Sans oublier ses nombreuses boutiques !</p><p><a href="">Turisme Girona</a></p>');
select translate_surroundings_highlight(122, 'fr', 'Barcelone', '<p>Barcelone cest plus que des boutiques et le Barça … Découvrez la richesse de ces quartiers: Gràcia, Barceloneta, …</p><p><a href="">Turisme Barcelona</a></p>');
alter table booking alter column booking_id restart with 122;
insert into booking (company_id, campsite_type_id, holder_name, arrival_date, departure_date, number_dogs, acsi_card, booking_status)
values (52, 72, 'Juli Verd', current_date + interval '23 days', current_date + interval '25 days', 0, false, 'created')
, (52, 72, 'Pere Gil', current_date + interval '24 days', current_date + interval '25 days', 1, true, 'cancelled')
, (52, 73, 'Calèndula Groga', current_date + interval '24 days', current_date + interval '25 days', 0, false, 'confirmed')
, (52, 73, 'Rosa Blava', current_date + interval '15 days', current_date + interval '22 days', 0, false, 'checked-in')
, (52, 74, 'Margarita Blanca', current_date + interval '7 days', current_date + interval '8 days', 0, false, 'invoiced')
, (52, 74, 'Camèlia Vermella', current_date + interval '7 days', current_date + interval '8 days', 0, false, 'created')
, (52, 74, 'Valeriana Rosa', current_date + interval '3 days', current_date + interval '8 days', 0, true, 'cancelled')
, (52, 75, 'Jacint Violeta', current_date + interval '30 days', current_date + interval '33 days', 0, false, 'checked-in')
, (52, 76, 'Hortènsia Grisa', current_date + interval '29 days', current_date + interval '34 days', 0, false, 'invoiced')