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Add user_profile view to update the profile with form Since users do not have access to the auth scheme, i had to add a view that selects only the data that they can see of themselves (i.e., no password or cookie). I wanted to use the `` setting that i set in check_cookie, but this would be bad because anyone can change that parameter and, since the view is created by the owner, could see and *change* the values of everyone just by knowing their id. Thus, now i use the cookie instead, because it is way harder to figure out, and if you already have it you can just set to your browser and the user is fucked anyway; the database can not help here. I **am** going to use the user id in row level security policies, but not the value coming for the setting but instaed the one in the `user_profile`, since it already is “derived” from the cookie, that’s why i added that column to the view. The profile includes the language, that i do not use it yet to switch the locale, so i had to add a relation of the available languages, for constraint purposes. There is no NULL language, and instead i added the “Undefined” language, with ‘und’ tag’, to represent “do not know/use content negotiation”. The languages in that relation are the same i used to have inside locale.go, because there is no point on having options for languages i do not have the translation for, so i now configure the list of available languages user in content negotiation from that relation. Finally, i have added all font from RemixIcon because that’s what we used in the design and i am going to use quite a lot of them. There is duplication in the views; i will address that in a different commit.
2023-01-22 01:23:09 +00:00
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