Remove status parameter from edit_expense and forms
For the same reasons as with expenses[0], users are no longer expected
to manually set invoice status, and is now linked to their collections.
In this case, however, we had to remove the ‘sent’ and ‘unpaid’ status
options, because these _should_ only be set manually, as there is no
way for the application to know when to set them. Thus, there could
be inconsistencies, like invoices set to ‘unpaid’ when they actually
have collections, or invoices that were ‘sent’, then transitioned to
‘partial’/‘paid’ due to a collection, but then reset to ‘created’ if the
collection was deleted.
[0]: ac0143b2b0b772e155ef8525e147786700403578
2024-08-26 08:42:38 +00:00
-- Deploy numerus:edit_invoice to pg
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: invoice
-- requires: currency
-- requires: parse_price
-- requires: edited_invoice_product
-- requires: tax
-- requires: invoice_product
-- requires: invoice_product_product
-- requires: invoice_product_tax
-- requires: tag_name
2023-03-11 19:58:20 +00:00
Remove status parameter from edit_expense and forms
For the same reasons as with expenses[0], users are no longer expected
to manually set invoice status, and is now linked to their collections.
In this case, however, we had to remove the ‘sent’ and ‘unpaid’ status
options, because these _should_ only be set manually, as there is no
way for the application to know when to set them. Thus, there could
be inconsistencies, like invoices set to ‘unpaid’ when they actually
have collections, or invoices that were ‘sent’, then transitioned to
‘partial’/‘paid’ due to a collection, but then reset to ‘created’ if the
collection was deleted.
[0]: ac0143b2b0b772e155ef8525e147786700403578
2024-08-26 08:42:38 +00:00
set search_path to numerus, public;
drop function if exists edit_invoice(uuid, integer, text, integer, tag_name[], edited_invoice_product[]);
create or replace function edit_invoice(invoice_slug uuid, invoice_status text, contact_id integer, notes text, payment_method_id integer, tags tag_name[], products edited_invoice_product[]) returns uuid as
iid integer;
products_to_keep integer[];
products_to_delete integer[];
company integer;
ccode text;
product edited_invoice_product;
ipid integer;
update invoice
set contact_id = edit_invoice.contact_id
, invoice_status = edit_invoice.invoice_status
, notes = edit_invoice.notes
, payment_method_id = edit_invoice.payment_method_id
, tags = edit_invoice.tags
where slug = invoice_slug
returning invoice_id, company_id, currency_code
into iid, company, ccode
if iid is null then
return null;
end if;
foreach product in array products
if product.invoice_product_id is null then
insert into invoice_product (invoice_id, name, description, price, quantity, discount_rate)
select iid
, coalesce(product.description, '')
, parse_price(product.price, currency.decimal_digits)
, product.quantity
, product.discount_rate
from currency
where currency_code = ccode
returning invoice_product_id
into ipid;
ipid := product.invoice_product_id;
update invoice_product
set name =
, description = coalesce(product.description, '')
, price = parse_price(product.price, currency.decimal_digits)
, quantity = product.quantity
, discount_rate = product.discount_rate
from currency
where invoice_product_id = ipid
and currency_code = ccode;
end if;
products_to_keep := array_append(products_to_keep, ipid);
if product.product_id is null then
delete from invoice_product_product where invoice_product_id = ipid;
insert into invoice_product_product (invoice_product_id, product_id)
values (ipid, product.product_id)
on conflict (invoice_product_id) do update
set product_id = product.product_id;
end if;
delete from invoice_product_tax where invoice_product_id = ipid;
insert into invoice_product_tax (invoice_product_id, tax_id, tax_rate)
select ipid, tax_id, tax.rate
from tax
join unnest( as ptax(tax_id) using (tax_id);
end loop;
select array_agg(invoice_product_id)
into products_to_delete
from invoice_product
where invoice_id = iid
and not (invoice_product_id = any(products_to_keep));
if array_length(products_to_delete, 1) > 0 then
delete from invoice_product_tax where invoice_product_id = any(products_to_delete);
delete from invoice_product_product where invoice_product_id = any(products_to_delete);
delete from invoice_product where invoice_product_id = any(products_to_delete);
end if;
return invoice_slug;
language plpgsql;
revoke execute on function edit_invoice(uuid, text, integer, text, integer, tag_name[], edited_invoice_product[]) from public;
grant execute on function edit_invoice(uuid, text, integer, text, integer, tag_name[], edited_invoice_product[]) to invoicer;
grant execute on function edit_invoice(uuid, text, integer, text, integer, tag_name[], edited_invoice_product[]) to admin;
2023-03-11 19:58:20 +00:00