Add the payments section
This actually should be the “payments and receivables” section, however
this is quite a mouthful; a “receivable” is a payment made **to** you,
therefore “payments” is ok.
In fact, there is still no receivables in there, as they should be in
a separate relation, to constraint them to invoices instead of expenses.
It will be done in a separate commit.
Since this section will be, in a sense, sort of simplified accounting,
i needed to introduce the “payment account” concept. There is no way,
yet, for users to add them, because i have to revamp the “tax details”
section, but this commit started to grow too big already.
The same reasoning for the attachment payment slips as PDF to payment:
something i have to add, but not yet in this commit.
2024-08-10 02:34:07 +00:00
-- Deploy numerus:add_payment to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: payment
-- requires: expense_payment
-- requires: company
-- requires: currency
-- requires: parse_price
-- requires: tag_name
-- requires: update_expense_payment_status
set search_path to numerus, public;
create or replace function add_payment(company integer, expense_id integer, payment_date date, payment_account_id integer, description text, amount text, tags tag_name[]) returns uuid as
pslug uuid;
pid integer;
amount_cents integer;
insert into payment
( company_id
, payment_account_id
, description
, payment_date
, amount
, currency_code
, payment_status
, tags
select company_id
, payment_account_id
, description
, payment_date
2025-01-30 22:24:16 +00:00
, -parse_price(amount, currency.decimal_digits)
Add the payments section
This actually should be the “payments and receivables” section, however
this is quite a mouthful; a “receivable” is a payment made **to** you,
therefore “payments” is ok.
In fact, there is still no receivables in there, as they should be in
a separate relation, to constraint them to invoices instead of expenses.
It will be done in a separate commit.
Since this section will be, in a sense, sort of simplified accounting,
i needed to introduce the “payment account” concept. There is no way,
yet, for users to add them, because i have to revamp the “tax details”
section, but this commit started to grow too big already.
The same reasoning for the attachment payment slips as PDF to payment:
something i have to add, but not yet in this commit.
2024-08-10 02:34:07 +00:00
, currency_code
, 'complete'
, tags
from company
join currency using (currency_code)
where company.company_id =
returning payment_id, slug, payment.amount
into pid, pslug, amount_cents
if expense_id is not null then
-- must be inserted before updating statuses, so that it can see this
-- payment’s amount too.
insert into expense_payment (expense_id, payment_id)
values (expense_id, pid);
perform update_expense_payment_status(pid, expense_id, amount_cents);
end if;
return pslug;
language plpgsql
revoke execute on function add_payment(integer, integer, date, integer, text, text, tag_name[]) from public;
grant execute on function add_payment(integer, integer, date, integer, text, text, tag_name[]) to invoicer;
grant execute on function add_payment(integer, integer, date, integer, text, text, tag_name[]) to admin;