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2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
package pkg
import (
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
type ExpenseEntry struct {
ID int
Slug string
InvoiceDate time.Time
InvoiceNumber string
Amount string
Taxes map[string]string
Total string
InvoicerName string
OriginalFileName string
Tags []string
Status string
StatusLabel string
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
type expensesIndexPage struct {
Expenses []*ExpenseEntry
SumAmount string
SumTaxes map[string]string
SumTotal string
Filters *expenseFilterForm
TaxClasses []string
ExpenseStatuses map[string]string
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
func IndexExpenses(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
conn := getConn(r)
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
locale := getLocale(r)
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
company := mustGetCompany(r)
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
filters := newExpenseFilterForm(r.Context(), conn, locale, company)
if err := filters.Parse(r); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
page := &expensesIndexPage{
Expenses: mustCollectExpenseEntries(r.Context(), conn, locale, filters),
ExpenseStatuses: mustCollectExpenseStatuses(r.Context(), conn, locale),
TaxClasses: mustCollectTaxClasses(r.Context(), conn, company),
Filters: filters,
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
page.mustComputeExpensesTotalAmount(r.Context(), conn, filters)
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
mustRenderMainTemplate(w, r, "expenses/index.gohtml", page)
func mustCollectExpenseEntries(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, locale *Locale, filters *expenseFilterForm) []*ExpenseEntry {
where, args := filters.BuildQuery([]interface{}{locale.Language.String()})
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
rows := conn.MustQuery(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(`
select expense_id
, expense.slug
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
, invoice_date
, invoice_number
, to_price(expense.amount, decimal_digits) as amount
, array_agg(array[, to_price(coalesce(expense_tax.amount, 0), decimal_digits)]) filter (where is not null)
, to_price(expense.amount + coalesce(sum(expense_tax.amount)::integer, 0), decimal_digits) as total
Split contact relation into tax_details, phone, web, and email We need to have contacts with just a name: we need to assign freelancer’s quote as expense linked the government, but of course we do not have a phone or email for that “contact”, much less a VATIN or other tax details. It is also interesting for other expenses-only contacts to not have to input all tax details, as we may not need to invoice then, thus are useless for us, but sometimes it might be interesting to have them, “just in case”. Of course, i did not want to make nullable any of the tax details required to generate an invoice, otherwise we could allow illegal invoices. Therefore, that data had to go in a different relation, and invoice’s foreign key update to point to that relation, not just customer, or we would again be able to create invalid invoices. We replaced the contact’s trade name with just name, because we do not need _three_ names for a contact, but we _do_ need two: the one we use to refer to them and the business name for tax purposes. The new contact_phone, contact_web, and contact_email relations could be simply a nullable field, but i did not see the point, since there are not that many instances where i need any of this data. Now company.taxDetailsForm is no longer “the same as contactForm with some extra fields”, because i have to add a check whether the user needs to invoice the contact, to check that the required values are there. I have an additional problem with the contact form when not using JavaScript: i must set the required field to all tax details fields to avoid the “(optional)” suffix, and because they _are_ required when that checkbox is enabled, but i can not set them optional when the check is unchecked. My solution for now is to ignore the form validation, and later i will add some JavaScript that adds the validation again, so it will work in all cases.
2023-06-30 19:32:48 +00:00
, coalesce(attachment.original_filename, '')
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
, expense.tags
, expense.expense_status
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
from expense
left join expense_attachment as attachment using (expense_id)
left join expense_tax_amount as expense_tax using (expense_id)
left join tax using (tax_id)
left join tax_class using (tax_class_id)
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
join contact using (contact_id)
join expense_status_i18n esi18n on expense.expense_status = esi18n.expense_status and esi18n.lang_tag = $1
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
join currency using (currency_code)
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
where (%s)
group by expense_id
, expense.slug
, invoice_date
, invoice_number
, expense.amount
, decimal_digits
, attachment.original_filename
, expense.tags
, expense.expense_status
order by invoice_date desc,, total desc
`, where), args...)
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
defer rows.Close()
var entries []*ExpenseEntry
for rows.Next() {
entry := &ExpenseEntry{
Taxes: make(map[string]string),
var taxes [][]string
if err := rows.Scan(&entry.ID, &entry.Slug, &entry.InvoiceDate, &entry.InvoiceNumber, &entry.Amount, &taxes, &entry.Total, &entry.InvoicerName, &entry.OriginalFileName, &entry.Tags, &entry.Status, &entry.StatusLabel); err != nil {
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
for _, tax := range taxes {
entry.Taxes[tax[0]] = tax[1]
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
entries = append(entries, entry)
if rows.Err() != nil {
return entries
func mustCollectExpenseStatuses(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, locale *Locale) map[string]string {
rows := conn.MustQuery(ctx, `
select expense_status.expense_status
from expense_status
join expense_status_i18n esi18n using(expense_status)
where esi18n.lang_tag = $1
order by expense_status`, locale.Language.String())
defer rows.Close()
statuses := map[string]string{}
for rows.Next() {
var key, name string
if err := rows.Scan(&key, &name); err != nil {
statuses[key] = name
if rows.Err() != nil {
return statuses
func (page *expensesIndexPage) mustComputeExpensesTotalAmount(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, filters *expenseFilterForm) {
where, args := filters.BuildQuery(nil)
row := conn.QueryRow(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(`
select to_price(sum(subtotal)::integer, decimal_digits)
, to_price(sum(subtotal + taxes)::integer, decimal_digits)
from (
select expense_id
, expense.amount as subtotal
, coalesce(sum(tax.amount)::integer, 0) as taxes
, currency_code
from expense
left join expense_tax_amount as tax using (expense_id)
where (%s)
group by expense_id
, expense.amount
, currency_code
) as expense
join currency using (currency_code)
group by decimal_digits
`, where), args...)
if notFoundErrorOrPanic(row.Scan(&page.SumAmount, &page.SumTotal)) {
page.SumAmount = "0.0"
page.SumTotal = "0.0"
row = conn.QueryRow(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(`
select array_agg(array[tax_class_name, to_price(coalesce(tax_amount, 0), decimal_digits)]) filter (where tax_class_name is not null)
from (
select as tax_class_name
, coalesce(sum(expense_tax.amount)::integer, 0) as tax_amount
, currency_code
from expense
left join expense_tax_amount as expense_tax using (expense_id)
left join tax using (tax_id)
left join tax_class using (tax_class_id)
where (%s)
group by
, currency_code
) as tax
join currency using (currency_code)
group by decimal_digits
`, where), args...)
var taxes [][]string
if notFoundErrorOrPanic(row.Scan(&taxes)) {
// well, nothing to do
page.SumTaxes = make(map[string]string)
for _, tax := range taxes {
page.SumTaxes[tax[0]] = tax[1]
func mustCollectTaxClasses(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, company *Company) []string {
rows := conn.MustQuery(ctx, "select name from tax_class where company_id = $1", company.Id)
defer rows.Close()
var taxClasses []string
for rows.Next() {
var taxClass string
if err := rows.Scan(&taxClass); err != nil {
taxClasses = append(taxClasses, taxClass)
return taxClasses
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
func ServeExpenseForm(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params httprouter.Params) {
locale := getLocale(r)
conn := getConn(r)
company := mustGetCompany(r)
form := newExpenseForm(r.Context(), conn, locale, company)
slug := params[0].Value
if slug == "new" {
form.InvoiceDate.Val = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
mustRenderNewExpenseForm(w, r, form)
if !ValidUuid(slug) {
http.NotFound(w, r)
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
if !form.MustFillFromDatabase(r.Context(), conn, slug) {
http.NotFound(w, r)
mustRenderEditExpenseForm(w, r, slug, form)
func mustRenderNewExpenseForm(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, form *expenseForm) {
locale := getLocale(r)
form.Invoicer.EmptyLabel = gettext("Select a contact.", locale)
page := newNewExpensePage(form, r)
mustRenderMainTemplate(w, r, "expenses/new.gohtml", page)
type newExpensePage struct {
Form *expenseForm
Taxes [][]string
Total string
func newNewExpensePage(form *expenseForm, r *http.Request) *newExpensePage {
page := &newExpensePage{
Form: form,
conn := getConn(r)
company := mustGetCompany(r)
err := conn.QueryRow(r.Context(), "select taxes, total from compute_new_expense_amount($1, $2, $3)", company.Id, form.Amount, form.Tax.Selected).Scan(&page.Taxes, &page.Total)
if err != nil {
return page
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
func mustRenderEditExpenseForm(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, slug string, form *expenseForm) {
page := &editExpensePage{
newNewExpensePage(form, r),
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
mustRenderMainTemplate(w, r, "expenses/edit.gohtml", page)
type editExpensePage struct {
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
Slug string
type expenseForm struct {
locale *Locale
company *Company
Invoicer *SelectField
InvoiceNumber *InputField
InvoiceDate *InputField
Tax *SelectField
Amount *InputField
File *FileField
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
Tags *TagsField
func newExpenseForm(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, locale *Locale, company *Company) *expenseForm {
triggerRecompute := template.HTMLAttr(`data-hx-on="change: this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('recompute', {bubbles: true}))"`)
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
return &expenseForm{
locale: locale,
company: company,
Invoicer: &SelectField{
Name: "invoicer",
Label: pgettext("input", "Contact", locale),
Required: true,
Options: mustGetContactOptions(ctx, conn, company),
InvoiceNumber: &InputField{
Name: "invoice_number",
Label: pgettext("input", "Invoice number", locale),
Type: "text",
InvoiceDate: &InputField{
Name: "invoice_date",
Label: pgettext("input", "Invoice Date", locale),
Required: true,
Type: "date",
Tax: &SelectField{
Name: "tax",
Label: pgettext("input", "Taxes", locale),
Multiple: true,
Options: mustGetTaxOptions(ctx, conn, company),
Attributes: []template.HTMLAttr{
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
Amount: &InputField{
Name: "amount",
Label: pgettext("input", "Amount", locale),
Type: "number",
Required: true,
Attributes: []template.HTMLAttr{
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
template.HTMLAttr(fmt.Sprintf(`step="%v"`, company.MinCents())),
File: &FileField{
Name: "file",
Label: pgettext("input", "File", locale),
MaxSize: 1 << 20,
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
Tags: &TagsField{
Name: "tags",
Label: pgettext("input", "Tags", locale),
func mustGetExpenseStatusOptions(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, locale *Locale) []*SelectOption {
return MustGetOptions(ctx, conn, `
select expense_status.expense_status
from expense_status
join expense_status_i18n esi18n using(expense_status)
where esi18n.lang_tag = $1
order by expense_status`, locale.Language.String())
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
func (form *expenseForm) Parse(r *http.Request) error {
if err := r.ParseMultipartForm(form.File.MaxSize); err != nil {
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
return err
if err := form.File.FillValue(r); err != nil {
return err
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
return nil
func (form *expenseForm) Validate() bool {
validator := newFormValidator()
validator.CheckValidSelectOption(form.Invoicer, gettext("Selected contact is not valid.", form.locale))
validator.CheckValidDate(form.InvoiceDate, gettext("Invoice date must be a valid date.", form.locale))
validator.CheckValidSelectOption(form.Tax, gettext("Selected tax is not valid.", form.locale))
validator.CheckAtMostOneOfEachGroup(form.Tax, gettext("You can only select a tax of each class.", form.locale))
if validator.CheckRequiredInput(form.Amount, gettext("Amount can not be empty.", form.locale)) {
validator.CheckValidDecimal(form.Amount, -math.MaxFloat64, math.MaxFloat64, gettext("Amount must be a decimal number.", form.locale))
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
return validator.AllOK()
func (form *expenseForm) MustFillFromDatabase(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, slug string) bool {
if notFoundErrorOrPanic(conn.QueryRow(ctx, `
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
select contact_id
, invoice_number
, invoice_date
, to_price(amount, decimal_digits)
, array_agg(tax_id) filter ( where tax_id is not null )
, tags
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
from expense
left join expense_tax using (expense_id)
join currency using (currency_code)
where expense.slug = $1
group by contact_id
, invoice_number
, invoice_date
, amount
, decimal_digits
, tags
`, slug).Scan(
form.Tags)) {
return false
if len(form.Tax.Selected) == 1 && form.Tax.Selected[0] == "" {
form.Tax.Selected = nil
return true
2023-05-03 10:46:25 +00:00
func HandleUpdateExpense(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params httprouter.Params) {
conn := getConn(r)
locale := getLocale(r)
company := mustGetCompany(r)
form := newExpenseForm(r.Context(), conn, locale, company)
if err := form.Parse(r); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
if err := verifyCsrfTokenValid(r); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusForbidden)
slug := params[0].Value
if !ValidUuid(slug) {
http.NotFound(w, r)
if !form.Validate() {
mustRenderEditExpenseForm(w, r, slug, form)
taxes := mustSliceAtoi(form.Tax.Selected)
if found := conn.MustGetText(r.Context(), "", "select edit_expense($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)", slug, form.InvoiceDate, form.Invoicer, form.InvoiceNumber, form.Amount, taxes, form.Tags); found == "" {
http.NotFound(w, r)
if len(form.File.Content) > 0 {
conn.MustQuery(r.Context(), "select attach_to_expense($1, $2, $3, $4)", slug, form.File.OriginalFileName, form.File.ContentType, form.File.Content)
htmxRedirect(w, r, companyURI(company, "/expenses"))
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
type expenseFilterForm struct {
locale *Locale
company *Company
Contact *SelectField
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
InvoiceNumber *InputField
FromDate *InputField
ToDate *InputField
ExpenseStatus *SelectField
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
Tags *TagsField
TagsCondition *ToggleField
func newExpenseFilterForm(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, locale *Locale, company *Company) *expenseFilterForm {
return &expenseFilterForm{
locale: locale,
company: company,
Contact: &SelectField{
Name: "contact",
Label: pgettext("input", "Contact", locale),
EmptyLabel: gettext("All contacts", locale),
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
Options: mustGetContactOptions(ctx, conn, company),
InvoiceNumber: &InputField{
Name: "number",
Label: pgettext("input", "Invoice Number", locale),
Type: "search",
FromDate: &InputField{
Name: "from_date",
Label: pgettext("input", "From Date", locale),
Type: "date",
ToDate: &InputField{
Name: "to_date",
Label: pgettext("input", "To Date", locale),
Type: "date",
Tags: &TagsField{
Name: "tags",
Label: pgettext("input", "Tags", locale),
ExpenseStatus: &SelectField{
Name: "expense_status",
Label: pgettext("input", "Expense Status", locale),
EmptyLabel: gettext("All status", locale),
Options: mustGetExpenseStatusOptions(ctx, conn, locale),
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
TagsCondition: &ToggleField{
Name: "tags_condition",
Label: pgettext("input", "Tags Condition", locale),
Selected: "and",
FirstOption: &ToggleOption{
Value: "and",
Label: pgettext("tag condition", "All", locale),
Description: gettext("Invoices must have all the specified labels.", locale),
SecondOption: &ToggleOption{
Value: "or",
Label: pgettext("tag condition", "Any", locale),
Description: gettext("Invoices must have at least one of the specified labels.", locale),
func (form *expenseFilterForm) Parse(r *http.Request) error {
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
return err
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
2023-05-07 20:49:52 +00:00
return nil
2023-05-08 10:58:54 +00:00
func (form *expenseFilterForm) HasValue() bool {
return form.Contact.HasValue() ||
form.InvoiceNumber.HasValue() ||
form.FromDate.HasValue() ||
form.ToDate.HasValue() ||
form.ExpenseStatus.HasValue() ||
func (form *expenseFilterForm) BuildQuery(args []interface{}) (string, []interface{}) {
var where []string
appendWhere := func(expression string, value interface{}) {
args = append(args, value)
where = append(where, fmt.Sprintf(expression, len(args)))
maybeAppendWhere := func(expression string, value string, conv func(string) interface{}) {
if value != "" {
if conv == nil {
appendWhere(expression, value)
} else {
appendWhere(expression, conv(value))
appendWhere("expense.company_id = $%d",
maybeAppendWhere("contact_id = $%d", form.Contact.String(), func(v string) interface{} {
customerId, _ := strconv.Atoi(form.Contact.Selected[0])
return customerId
maybeAppendWhere("expense.expense_status = $%d", form.ExpenseStatus.String(), nil)
maybeAppendWhere("invoice_number = $%d", form.InvoiceNumber.String(), nil)
maybeAppendWhere("invoice_date >= $%d", form.FromDate.String(), nil)
maybeAppendWhere("invoice_date <= $%d", form.ToDate.String(), nil)
if len(form.Tags.Tags) > 0 {
if form.TagsCondition.Selected == "and" {
appendWhere("expense.tags @> $%d", form.Tags)
} else {
appendWhere("expense.tags && $%d", form.Tags)
return strings.Join(where, ") AND ("), args
2023-05-08 10:58:54 +00:00
func ServeEditExpenseTags(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params httprouter.Params) {
serveTagsEditForm(w, r, params, "/expenses/", "select tags from expense where slug = $1")
2023-05-08 10:58:54 +00:00
func HandleUpdateExpenseTags(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params httprouter.Params) {
handleUpdateTags(w, r, params, "/expenses/", "update expense set tags = $1 where slug = $2 returning slug")
2023-05-08 10:58:54 +00:00
func ServeExpenseAttachment(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params httprouter.Params) {
serveAttachment(w, r, params, `
select mime_type
, content
from expense
join expense_attachment using (expense_id)
where slug = $1
func HandleEditExpenseAction(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params httprouter.Params) {
slug := params[0].Value
Add option to export the list of quotes, invoices, and expenses to ODS This was requested by a potential user, as they want to be able to do whatever they want to do to these lists with a spreadsheet. In fact, they requested to be able to export to CSV, but, as always, using CSV is a minefield because of Microsoft: since their Excel product is fucking unable to write and read CSV from different locales, even if using the same exact Excel product, i can not also create a CSV file that is guaranteed to work on all locales. If i used the non-standard sep=; thing to tell Excel that it is a fucking stupid application, then proper applications would show that line as a row, which is the correct albeit undesirable behaviour. The solution is to use a spreadsheet file format that does not have this issue. As far as I know, by default Excel is able to read XLSX and ODS files, but i refuse to use the artificially complex, not the actually used in Excel, and lobbied standard that Microsoft somehow convinced ISO to publish, as i am using a different format because of the mess they made, and i do not want to bend over in front of them, so ODS it is. ODS is neither an elegant or good format by any means, but at least i can write them using simple strings, because there is no ODS library in Debian and i am not going to write yet another DEB package for an overengineered package to write a simple table—all i want is to say “here are these n columns, and these m columns; have a good day!”. Part of #51.
2023-07-18 11:29:36 +00:00
switch slug {
case "batch":
HandleBatchExpenseAction(w, r, params)
if !ValidUuid(slug) {
http.NotFound(w, r)
actionUri := fmt.Sprintf("/invoices/%s/edit", slug)
handleExpenseAction(w, r, actionUri, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, form *expenseForm) {
mustRenderEditExpenseForm(w, r, slug, form)
func HandleNewExpenseAction(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params httprouter.Params) {
handleExpenseAction(w, r, "/expenses", mustRenderNewExpenseForm)
type renderExpenseFormFunc func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, form *expenseForm)
func handleExpenseAction(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, action string, renderForm renderExpenseFormFunc) {
locale := getLocale(r)
conn := getConn(r)
company := mustGetCompany(r)
form := newExpenseForm(r.Context(), conn, locale, company)
if err := form.Parse(r); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
if err := verifyCsrfTokenValid(r); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusForbidden)
actionField := r.Form.Get("action")
switch actionField {
case "update":
// Nothing else to do
renderForm(w, r, form)
case "add":
if !form.Validate() {
renderForm(w, r, form)
taxes := mustSliceAtoi(form.Tax.Selected)
slug := conn.MustGetText(r.Context(), "", "select add_expense($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)", company.Id, form.InvoiceDate, form.Invoicer, form.InvoiceNumber, form.Amount, taxes, form.Tags)
if len(form.File.Content) > 0 {
conn.MustQuery(r.Context(), "select attach_to_expense($1, $2, $3, $4)", slug, form.File.OriginalFileName, form.File.ContentType, form.File.Content)
htmxRedirect(w, r, companyURI(company, action))
http.Error(w, gettext("Invalid action", locale), http.StatusBadRequest)
Add option to export the list of quotes, invoices, and expenses to ODS This was requested by a potential user, as they want to be able to do whatever they want to do to these lists with a spreadsheet. In fact, they requested to be able to export to CSV, but, as always, using CSV is a minefield because of Microsoft: since their Excel product is fucking unable to write and read CSV from different locales, even if using the same exact Excel product, i can not also create a CSV file that is guaranteed to work on all locales. If i used the non-standard sep=; thing to tell Excel that it is a fucking stupid application, then proper applications would show that line as a row, which is the correct albeit undesirable behaviour. The solution is to use a spreadsheet file format that does not have this issue. As far as I know, by default Excel is able to read XLSX and ODS files, but i refuse to use the artificially complex, not the actually used in Excel, and lobbied standard that Microsoft somehow convinced ISO to publish, as i am using a different format because of the mess they made, and i do not want to bend over in front of them, so ODS it is. ODS is neither an elegant or good format by any means, but at least i can write them using simple strings, because there is no ODS library in Debian and i am not going to write yet another DEB package for an overengineered package to write a simple table—all i want is to say “here are these n columns, and these m columns; have a good day!”. Part of #51.
2023-07-18 11:29:36 +00:00
func HandleBatchExpenseAction(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
if err := verifyCsrfTokenValid(r); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusForbidden)
locale := getLocale(r)
switch r.Form.Get("action") {
case "export":
conn := getConn(r)
company := getCompany(r)
filters := newExpenseFilterForm(r.Context(), conn, locale, company)
if err := filters.Parse(r); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
entries := mustCollectExpenseEntries(r.Context(), conn, locale, filters)
vatin := mustCollectExpenseEntriesVATIN(r.Context(), conn, entries)
lastPaymentDate := mustCollectExpenseEntriesLastPaymentDate(r.Context(), conn, entries)
taxes := mustCollectExpenseEntriesTaxes(r.Context(), conn, entries)
taxColumns := mustCollectTaxColumns(r.Context(), conn, company)
ods := mustWriteExpensesOds(entries, vatin, lastPaymentDate, taxes, taxColumns, locale, company)
Add option to export the list of quotes, invoices, and expenses to ODS This was requested by a potential user, as they want to be able to do whatever they want to do to these lists with a spreadsheet. In fact, they requested to be able to export to CSV, but, as always, using CSV is a minefield because of Microsoft: since their Excel product is fucking unable to write and read CSV from different locales, even if using the same exact Excel product, i can not also create a CSV file that is guaranteed to work on all locales. If i used the non-standard sep=; thing to tell Excel that it is a fucking stupid application, then proper applications would show that line as a row, which is the correct albeit undesirable behaviour. The solution is to use a spreadsheet file format that does not have this issue. As far as I know, by default Excel is able to read XLSX and ODS files, but i refuse to use the artificially complex, not the actually used in Excel, and lobbied standard that Microsoft somehow convinced ISO to publish, as i am using a different format because of the mess they made, and i do not want to bend over in front of them, so ODS it is. ODS is neither an elegant or good format by any means, but at least i can write them using simple strings, because there is no ODS library in Debian and i am not going to write yet another DEB package for an overengineered package to write a simple table—all i want is to say “here are these n columns, and these m columns; have a good day!”. Part of #51.
2023-07-18 11:29:36 +00:00
writeOdsResponse(w, ods, gettext("expenses.ods", locale))
http.Error(w, gettext("Invalid action", locale), http.StatusBadRequest)
func mustCollectExpenseEntriesTaxes(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, entries []*ExpenseEntry) map[int]taxMap {
ids := mustMakeIDArray(entries, func(entry *ExpenseEntry) int {
return entry.ID
return mustMakeTaxMap(ctx, conn, ids, `
select expense_id
, tax_id
, to_price(tax.amount, decimal_digits)
from expense_tax_amount as tax
join expense using (expense_id)
join currency using (currency_code)
where expense_id = any ($1)
func mustCollectExpenseEntriesVATIN(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, entries []*ExpenseEntry) map[int]string {
ids := mustMakeIDArray(entries, func(entry *ExpenseEntry) int {
return entry.ID
return mustMakeVATINMap(ctx, conn, ids, `
select expense_id
, vatin::text
from contact_tax_details as tax
join expense using (contact_id)
where expense_id = any ($1)
func mustCollectExpenseEntriesLastPaymentDate(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, entries []*ExpenseEntry) map[int]time.Time {
ids := mustMakeIDArray(entries, func(entry *ExpenseEntry) int {
return entry.ID
return mustMakeDateMap(ctx, conn, ids, `
select expense_id
, max(payment_date)
from expense_payment
join payment using (payment_id)
where expense_id = any ($1)
group by expense_id
func handleRemoveExpense(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params httprouter.Params) {
slug := params[0].Value
if !ValidUuid(slug) {
http.NotFound(w, r)
if err := verifyCsrfTokenValid(r); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusForbidden)
conn := getConn(r)
conn.MustExec(r.Context(), "select remove_expense($1)", slug)
company := mustGetCompany(r)
htmxRedirect(w, r, companyURI(company, "/expenses"))