Compare commits
2 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
jordi fita mas | 35b12f7ea4 | |
jordi fita mas | d7a256804f |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
-- Deploy numerus:available_quote_status to pg
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: quote_status
-- requires: quote_status_i18n
set search_path to numerus;
insert into quote_status (quote_status, name)
values ('created', 'Created')
, ('sent', 'Sent')
, ('accepted', 'Accepted')
, ('rejected', 'Rejected')
insert into quote_status_i18n (quote_status, lang_tag, name)
values ('created', 'ca', 'Creat')
, ('sent', 'ca', 'Enviat')
, ('accepted', 'ca', 'Acceptat')
, ('rejected', 'ca', 'Rebutjat')
, ('created', 'es', 'Creado')
, ('sent', 'es', 'Enviado')
, ('accepted', 'es', 'Aceptado')
, ('rejected', 'es', 'Rechazado')
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
-- Deploy numerus:quote to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: company
-- requires: quote_status
-- requires: currency
-- requires: tag_name
set search_path to numerus, public;
create table quote (
quote_id serial primary key,
company_id integer not null references company,
slug uuid not null unique default gen_random_uuid(),
quote_number text not null constraint quote_number_not_empty check(length(trim(quote_number)) > 1),
quote_date date not null default current_date,
quote_status text not null default 'created' references quote_status,
terms_and_conditions text not null default '',
notes text not null default '',
tags tag_name[] not null default '{}',
currency_code text not null references currency,
created_at timestamptz not null default current_timestamp
create index on quote using gin (tags);
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote to invoicer;
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote to admin;
grant usage on sequence quote_quote_id_seq to invoicer;
grant usage on sequence quote_quote_id_seq to admin;
alter table quote enable row level security;
create policy company_policy
on quote
using (
select 1
from company_user
join user_profile using (user_id)
where company_user.company_id = quote.company_id
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
-- Deploy numerus:quote_contact to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: quote
-- requires: contact
set search_path to numerus, public;
create table quote_contact (
quote_id integer primary key references quote,
contact_id integer not null references contact
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote_contact to invoicer;
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote_contact to admin;
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
-- Deploy numerus:quote_payment_method to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: quote
-- requires: payment_method
set search_path to numerus, public;
create table quote_payment_method (
quote_id integer not null primary key references quote,
payment_method_id integer not null references payment_method
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote_payment_method to invoicer;
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote_payment_method to admin;
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
-- Deploy numerus:quote_product to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: quote
-- requires: discount_rate
set search_path to numerus, public;
create table quote_product (
quote_product_id serial primary key,
quote_id integer not null references quote,
name text not null constraint name_not_empty check(length(trim(name)) > 0),
description text not null default '',
price integer not null,
quantity integer not null default 1,
discount_rate discount_rate not null default 0.0
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote_product to invoicer;
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote_product to admin;
grant usage on sequence quote_product_quote_product_id_seq to invoicer;
grant usage on sequence quote_product_quote_product_id_seq to admin;
alter table quote_product enable row level security;
create policy company_policy
on quote_product
using (
select 1
from quote
where quote.quote_id = quote_product.quote_id
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
-- Deploy numerus:quote_product_product to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: quote_product
-- requires: product
set search_path to numerus, public;
create table quote_product_product (
quote_product_id integer primary key references quote_product,
product_id integer not null references product
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote_product_product to invoicer;
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote_product_product to admin;
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-- Deploy numerus:quote_product_tax to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: quote_product
-- requires: tax
-- requires: tax_rate
set search_path to numerus, public;
create table quote_product_tax (
quote_product_id integer not null references quote_product,
tax_id integer not null references tax,
tax_rate tax_rate not null,
primary key (quote_product_id, tax_id)
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote_product_tax to invoicer;
grant select, insert, update, delete on table quote_product_tax to admin;
alter table quote_product_tax enable row level security;
create policy company_policy
on quote_product_tax
using (
select 1
from quote_product
where quote_product.quote_product_id = quote_product_tax.quote_product_id
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
-- Deploy numerus:quote_status to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_numerus
set search_path to numerus, public;
create table quote_status (
quote_status text primary key,
name text not null
grant select on table quote_status to invoicer;
grant select on table quote_status to admin;
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
-- Deploy numerus:quote_status_i18n to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: quote_status
-- requires: language
set search_path to numerus, public;
create table quote_status_i18n (
quote_status text not null references quote_status,
lang_tag text not null references language,
name text not null,
primary key (quote_status, lang_tag)
grant select on table quote_status_i18n to invoicer;
grant select on table quote_status_i18n to admin;
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- Revert numerus:available_quote_status from pg
set search_path to numerus;
delete from quote_status_i18n;
delete from quote_status;
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- Revert numerus:quote from pg
drop table if exists numerus.quote;
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- Revert numerus:quote_contact from pg
drop table if exists numerus.quote_contact;
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- Revert numerus:quote_payment_method from pg
drop table if exists numerus.quote_payment_method;
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- Revert numerus:quote_product from pg
drop table if exists numerus.quote_product;
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- Revert numerus:quote_product_product from pg
drop table if exists numerus.quote_product_product;
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- Revert numerus:quote_product_tax from pg
drop table if exists numerus.quote_product_tax;
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- Revert numerus:quote_status from pg
drop table if exists numerus.quote_status;
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- Revert numerus:quote_status_i18n from pg
drop table if exists numerus.quote_status_i18n;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ schema_numerus [roles] 2023-01-12T22:57:22Z jordi fita mas <> #
extension_citext [schema_public] 2023-01-12T23:03:33Z jordi fita mas <> # Add citext extension
extension_citext [schema_public] 2023-01-12T23:03:33Z jordi fita mas <> # Add citext extension
email [schema_numerus extension_citext] 2023-01-12T23:09:59Z jordi fita mas <> # Add email domain
email [schema_numerus extension_citext] 2023-01-12T23:09:59Z jordi fita mas <> # Add email domain
language [schema_numerus] 2023-01-21T20:55:49Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation of available languages
language [schema_numerus] 2023-01-21T20:55:49Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation of available languages
available_languages [schema_numerus language] 2023-01-21T21:11:08Z jordi fita mas <> # Add the initial available languages
user [roles schema_auth email language] 2023-01-12T23:44:03Z jordi fita mas <> # Create user relation
user [roles schema_auth email language] 2023-01-12T23:44:03Z jordi fita mas <> # Create user relation
ensure_role_exists [schema_auth user] 2023-01-12T23:57:59Z jordi fita mas <> # Add trigger to ensure the user’s role exists
ensure_role_exists [schema_auth user] 2023-01-12T23:57:59Z jordi fita mas <> # Add trigger to ensure the user’s role exists
extension_pgcrypto [schema_auth] 2023-01-13T00:11:50Z jordi fita mas <> # Add pgcrypto extension
extension_pgcrypto [schema_auth] 2023-01-13T00:11:50Z jordi fita mas <> # Add pgcrypto extension
@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ login [roles schema_numerus schema_auth extension_pgcrypto email user login_atte
check_cookie [schema_public user build_cookie] 2023-01-17T17:48:49Z jordi fita mas <> # Add function to check if a user cookie is valid
check_cookie [schema_public user build_cookie] 2023-01-17T17:48:49Z jordi fita mas <> # Add function to check if a user cookie is valid
logout [schema_auth current_user_email current_user_cookie user] 2023-01-17T19:10:21Z jordi fita mas <> # Add function to logout
logout [schema_auth current_user_email current_user_cookie user] 2023-01-17T19:10:21Z jordi fita mas <> # Add function to logout
set_cookie [schema_public check_cookie] 2023-01-19T11:00:22Z jordi fita mas <> # Add function to set the role based on the cookie
set_cookie [schema_public check_cookie] 2023-01-19T11:00:22Z jordi fita mas <> # Add function to set the role based on the cookie
available_languages [schema_numerus language] 2023-01-21T21:11:08Z jordi fita mas <> # Add the initial available languages
user_profile [schema_numerus user current_user_email current_user_cookie] 2023-01-21T23:18:20Z jordi fita mas <> # Add view for user profile
user_profile [schema_numerus user current_user_email current_user_cookie] 2023-01-21T23:18:20Z jordi fita mas <> # Add view for user profile
change_password [schema_numerus user] 2023-01-23T20:22:45Z jordi fita mas <> # Add function to change the current user’s password
change_password [schema_numerus user] 2023-01-23T20:22:45Z jordi fita mas <> # Add function to change the current user’s password
extension_vat [schema_public] 2023-01-24T10:28:17Z jordi fita mas <> # Add vat extension
extension_vat [schema_public] 2023-01-24T10:28:17Z jordi fita mas <> # Add vat extension
@ -77,3 +77,12 @@ edit_expense [schema_numerus expense currency parse_price tax tag_name] 2023-05-
expense_attachment [schema_numerus expense] 2023-05-13T19:11:21Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation of expense attachments
expense_attachment [schema_numerus expense] 2023-05-13T19:11:21Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation of expense attachments
attach_to_expense [schema_numerus expense expense_attachment] 2023-05-15T10:18:31Z jordi fita mas <> # Add function to attach documents to expenses
attach_to_expense [schema_numerus expense expense_attachment] 2023-05-15T10:18:31Z jordi fita mas <> # Add function to attach documents to expenses
expense_tax_amount [schema_numerus expense expense_tax] 2023-05-18T10:15:40Z jordi fita mas <> # Add vier for expense tax amount
expense_tax_amount [schema_numerus expense expense_tax] 2023-05-18T10:15:40Z jordi fita mas <> # Add vier for expense tax amount
quote_status [roles schema_numerus] 2023-06-06T17:05:53Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation for quote status
quote_status_i18n [roles schema_numerus quote_status language] 2023-06-06T17:13:50Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation for quote status’ translatable texts
available_quote_status [schema_numerus quote_status quote_status_i18n] 2023-06-06T17:18:48Z jordi fita mas <> # Add the list of available quote status
quote [roles schema_numerus company quote_status currency tag_name] 2023-06-06T17:46:27Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation for sales quotations
quote_contact [roles schema_numerus quote contact] 2023-06-06T18:17:50Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation of quote contact
quote_product [roles schema_numerus quote discount_rate] 2023-06-06T18:25:05Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation for quote products
quote_product_product [roles schema_numerus quote_product product] 2023-06-06T18:38:26Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation of quote products and registered products
quote_product_tax [roles schema_numerus quote_product tax tax_rate] 2023-06-06T18:46:33Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation of quotation product tax
quote_payment_method [roles schema_numerus quote payment_method] 2023-06-06T18:59:12Z jordi fita mas <> # Add relation for the payment method of quotes
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
-- Test quote
set client_min_messages to warning;
create extension if not exists pgtap;
reset client_min_messages;
select plan(76);
set search_path to numerus, auth, public;
select has_table('quote');
select has_pk('quote' );
select table_privs_are('quote', 'guest', array []::text[]);
select table_privs_are('quote', 'invoicer', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote', 'admin', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote', 'authenticator', array []::text[]);
select has_sequence('quote_quote_id_seq');
select sequence_privs_are('quote_quote_id_seq', 'guest', array[]::text[]);
select sequence_privs_are('quote_quote_id_seq', 'invoicer', array['USAGE']);
select sequence_privs_are('quote_quote_id_seq', 'admin', array['USAGE']);
select sequence_privs_are('quote_quote_id_seq', 'authenticator', array[]::text[]);
select has_column('quote', 'quote_id');
select col_is_pk('quote', 'quote_id');
select col_type_is('quote', 'quote_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote', 'quote_id');
select col_has_default('quote', 'quote_id');
select col_default_is('quote', 'quote_id', 'nextval(''quote_quote_id_seq''::regclass)');
select has_column('quote', 'company_id');
select col_is_fk('quote', 'company_id');
select fk_ok('quote', 'company_id', 'company', 'company_id');
select col_type_is('quote', 'company_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote', 'company_id');
select col_hasnt_default('quote', 'company_id');
select has_column('quote', 'slug');
select col_is_unique('quote', 'slug');
select col_type_is('quote', 'slug', 'uuid');
select col_not_null('quote', 'slug');
select col_has_default('quote', 'slug');
select col_default_is('quote', 'slug', 'gen_random_uuid()');
select has_column('quote', 'quote_number');
select col_type_is('quote', 'quote_number', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote', 'quote_number');
select col_hasnt_default('quote', 'quote_number');
select has_column('quote', 'quote_date');
select col_type_is('quote', 'quote_date', 'date');
select col_not_null('quote', 'quote_date');
select col_has_default('quote', 'quote_date');
select col_default_is('quote', 'quote_date', current_date);
select has_column('quote', 'quote_status');
select col_is_fk('quote', 'quote_status');
select fk_ok('quote', 'quote_status', 'quote_status', 'quote_status');
select col_type_is('quote', 'quote_status', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote', 'quote_status');
select col_has_default('quote', 'quote_status');
select col_default_is('quote', 'quote_status', 'created');
select has_column('quote', 'terms_and_conditions');
select col_type_is('quote', 'terms_and_conditions', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote', 'terms_and_conditions');
select col_has_default('quote', 'terms_and_conditions');
select col_default_is('quote', 'terms_and_conditions', '');
select has_column('quote', 'notes');
select col_type_is('quote', 'notes', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote', 'notes');
select col_has_default('quote', 'notes');
select col_default_is('quote', 'notes', '');
select has_column('quote', 'tags');
select col_type_is('quote', 'tags', 'tag_name[]');
select col_not_null('quote', 'tags');
select col_has_default('quote', 'tags');
select col_default_is('quote', 'tags', '{}');
select has_column('quote', 'currency_code');
select col_is_fk('quote', 'currency_code');
select fk_ok('quote', 'currency_code', 'currency', 'currency_code');
select col_type_is('quote', 'currency_code', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote', 'currency_code');
select col_hasnt_default('quote', 'currency_code');
select has_column('quote', 'created_at');
select col_type_is('quote', 'created_at', 'timestamp with time zone');
select col_not_null('quote', 'created_at');
select col_has_default('quote', 'created_at');
select col_default_is('quote', 'created_at', current_timestamp);
set client_min_messages to warning;
truncate quote cascade;
truncate company_user cascade;
truncate company cascade;
truncate payment_method cascade;
truncate auth."user" cascade;
reset client_min_messages;
insert into auth."user" (user_id, email, name, password, role, cookie, cookie_expires_at)
values (1, '', 'Demo', 'test', 'invoicer', '44facbb30d8a419dfd4bfbc44a4b5539d4970148dfc84bed0e', current_timestamp + interval '1 month')
, (5, '', 'Demo', 'test', 'admin', '12af4c88b528c2ad4222e3740496ecbc58e76e26f087657524', current_timestamp + interval '1 month')
set constraints "company_default_payment_method_id_fkey" deferred;
insert into company (company_id, business_name, vatin, trade_name, phone, email, web, address, city, province, postal_code, country_code, currency_code, default_payment_method_id)
values (2, 'Company 2', 'XX123', '', '555-555-555', 'a@a', '', '', '', '', '', 'ES', 'EUR', 222)
, (4, 'Company 4', 'XX234', '', '666-666-666', 'b@b', '', '', '', '', '', 'FR', 'USD', 444)
insert into payment_method (payment_method_id, company_id, name, instructions)
values (444, 4, 'cash', 'cash')
, (222, 2, 'cash', 'cash')
set constraints "company_default_payment_method_id_fkey" immediate;
insert into company_user (company_id, user_id)
values (2, 1)
, (4, 5)
insert into quote (company_id, quote_number, currency_code)
values (2, 'QUO020001', 'EUR')
, (4, 'QUO040001', 'EUR')
prepare quote_data as
select company_id, quote_number
from quote
order by company_id, quote_number;
set role invoicer;
select is_empty('quote_data', 'Should show no data when cookie is not set yet');
reset role;
select set_cookie('44facbb30d8a419dfd4bfbc44a4b5539d4970148dfc84bed0e/');
select bag_eq(
$$ values (2, 'QUO020001')
'Should only list quotations from the companies where is user of'
reset role;
select set_cookie('12af4c88b528c2ad4222e3740496ecbc58e76e26f087657524/');
select bag_eq(
$$ values (4, 'QUO040001')
'Should only list quotations from the companies where is user of'
reset role;
select set_cookie('not-a-cookie');
select throws_ok(
'42501', 'permission denied for table quote',
'Should not allow select to guest users'
reset role;
select throws_ok( $$
insert into quote (company_id, quote_number, currency_code)
values (2, ' ', 'EUR')
'23514', 'new row for relation "quote" violates check constraint "quote_number_not_empty"',
'Should not allow quotes with a blank number'
select *
from finish();
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
-- Test quote_contact
set client_min_messages to warning;
create extension if not exists pgtap;
reset client_min_messages;
select plan(19);
set search_path to numerus, public;
select has_table('quote_contact');
select has_pk('quote_contact' );
select table_privs_are('quote_contact', 'guest', array []::text[]);
select table_privs_are('quote_contact', 'invoicer', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote_contact', 'admin', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote_contact', 'authenticator', array []::text[]);
select has_column('quote_contact', 'quote_id');
select col_is_pk('quote_contact', 'quote_id');
select col_is_fk('quote_contact', 'quote_id');
select fk_ok('quote_contact', 'quote_id', 'quote', 'quote_id');
select col_type_is('quote_contact', 'quote_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_contact', 'quote_id');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_contact', 'quote_id');
select has_column('quote_contact', 'contact_id');
select col_is_fk('quote_contact', 'contact_id');
select fk_ok('quote_contact', 'contact_id', 'contact', 'contact_id');
select col_type_is('quote_contact', 'contact_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_contact', 'contact_id');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_contact', 'contact_id');
select *
from finish();
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
-- Test quote_payment_method
set client_min_messages to warning;
create extension if not exists pgtap;
reset client_min_messages;
select plan(19);
set search_path to numerus, public;
select has_table('quote_payment_method');
select has_pk('quote_payment_method' );
select table_privs_are('quote_payment_method', 'guest', array []::text[]);
select table_privs_are('quote_payment_method', 'invoicer', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote_payment_method', 'admin', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote_payment_method', 'authenticator', array []::text[]);
select has_column('quote_payment_method', 'quote_id');
select col_is_pk('quote_payment_method', 'quote_id');
select col_is_fk('quote_payment_method', 'quote_id');
select fk_ok('quote_payment_method', 'quote_id', 'quote', 'quote_id');
select col_type_is('quote_payment_method', 'quote_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_payment_method', 'quote_id');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_payment_method', 'quote_id');
select has_column('quote_payment_method', 'payment_method_id');
select col_is_fk('quote_payment_method', 'payment_method_id');
select fk_ok('quote_payment_method', 'payment_method_id', 'payment_method', 'payment_method_id');
select col_type_is('quote_payment_method', 'payment_method_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_payment_method', 'payment_method_id');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_payment_method', 'payment_method_id');
select *
from finish();
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
-- Test quote_product
set client_min_messages to warning;
create extension if not exists pgtap;
reset client_min_messages;
select plan(51);
set search_path to numerus, auth, public;
select has_table('quote_product');
select has_pk('quote_product' );
select table_privs_are('quote_product', 'guest', array []::text[]);
select table_privs_are('quote_product', 'invoicer', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote_product', 'admin', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote_product', 'authenticator', array []::text[]);
select has_sequence('quote_product_quote_product_id_seq');
select sequence_privs_are('quote_product_quote_product_id_seq', 'guest', array[]::text[]);
select sequence_privs_are('quote_product_quote_product_id_seq', 'invoicer', array['USAGE']);
select sequence_privs_are('quote_product_quote_product_id_seq', 'admin', array['USAGE']);
select sequence_privs_are('quote_product_quote_product_id_seq', 'authenticator', array[]::text[]);
select has_column('quote_product', 'quote_product_id');
select col_is_pk('quote_product', 'quote_product_id');
select col_type_is('quote_product', 'quote_product_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_product', 'quote_product_id');
select col_has_default('quote_product', 'quote_product_id');
select col_default_is('quote_product', 'quote_product_id', 'nextval(''quote_product_quote_product_id_seq''::regclass)');
select has_column('quote_product', 'quote_id');
select col_is_fk('quote_product', 'quote_id');
select fk_ok('quote_product', 'quote_id', 'quote', 'quote_id');
select col_type_is('quote_product', 'quote_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_product', 'quote_id');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_product', 'quote_id');
select has_column('quote_product', 'name');
select col_type_is('quote_product', 'name', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote_product', 'name');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_product', 'name');
select has_column('quote_product', 'description');
select col_type_is('quote_product', 'description', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote_product', 'description');
select col_has_default('quote_product', 'description');
select col_default_is('quote_product', 'description', '');
select has_column('quote_product', 'price');
select col_type_is('quote_product', 'price', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_product', 'price');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_product', 'price');
select has_column('quote_product', 'quantity');
select col_type_is('quote_product', 'quantity', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_product', 'quantity');
select col_has_default('quote_product', 'quantity');
select col_default_is('quote_product', 'quantity', 1);
select has_column('quote_product', 'discount_rate');
select col_type_is('quote_product', 'discount_rate', 'discount_rate');
select col_not_null('quote_product', 'discount_rate');
select col_has_default('quote_product', 'discount_rate');
select col_default_is('quote_product', 'discount_rate', '0.0');
set client_min_messages to warning;
truncate quote_product cascade;
truncate quote cascade;
truncate company_user cascade;
truncate payment_method cascade;
truncate company cascade;
truncate auth."user" cascade;
reset client_min_messages;
insert into auth."user" (user_id, email, name, password, role, cookie, cookie_expires_at)
values (1, '', 'Demo', 'test', 'invoicer', '44facbb30d8a419dfd4bfbc44a4b5539d4970148dfc84bed0e', current_timestamp + interval '1 month')
, (5, '', 'Demo', 'test', 'admin', '12af4c88b528c2ad4222e3740496ecbc58e76e26f087657524', current_timestamp + interval '1 month')
set constraints "company_default_payment_method_id_fkey" deferred;
insert into company (company_id, business_name, vatin, trade_name, phone, email, web, address, city, province, postal_code, country_code, currency_code, default_payment_method_id)
values (2, 'Company 2', 'XX123', '', '555-555-555', 'a@a', '', '', '', '', '', 'ES', 'EUR', 222)
, (4, 'Company 4', 'XX234', '', '666-666-666', 'b@b', '', '', '', '', '', 'FR', 'USD', 444)
insert into payment_method (payment_method_id, company_id, name, instructions)
values (444, 4, 'cash', 'cash')
, (222, 2, 'cash', 'cash')
set constraints "company_default_payment_method_id_fkey" immediate;
insert into company_user (company_id, user_id)
values (2, 1)
, (4, 5)
insert into quote (quote_id, company_id, quote_number, currency_code)
values (10, 2, 'QUO020001', 'EUR')
, (12, 4, 'QUO040001', 'EUR')
insert into quote_product (quote_id, name, description, price, quantity)
values (10, 'product 1', 'description 1', 1212, 1)
, (12, 'product 2', 'description 2', 2424, 2)
prepare quote_product_data as
select quote_id, name, price, quantity
from quote_product
order by quote_id;
set role invoicer;
select is_empty('quote_product_data', 'Should show no data when cookie is not set yet');
reset role;
select set_cookie('44facbb30d8a419dfd4bfbc44a4b5539d4970148dfc84bed0e/');
select bag_eq(
$$ values (10, 'product 1', 1212, 1)
'Should only list products of quotes from the companies where is user of'
reset role;
select set_cookie('12af4c88b528c2ad4222e3740496ecbc58e76e26f087657524/');
select bag_eq(
$$ values (12, 'product 2', 2424, 2)
'Should only list products of quotes from the companies where is user of'
reset role;
select set_cookie('not-a-cookie');
select throws_ok(
'42501', 'permission denied for table quote_product',
'Should not allow select to guest users'
reset role;
select throws_ok( $$
insert into quote_product (quote_id, name, description, price, quantity)
values (10, ' ', '', 1212, 1)
'23514', 'new row for relation "quote_product" violates check constraint "name_not_empty"',
'Should not allow quote products with blank name'
select *
from finish();
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
-- Test quote_product_product
set client_min_messages to warning;
create extension if not exists pgtap;
reset client_min_messages;
select plan(19);
set search_path to numerus, public;
select has_table('quote_product_product');
select has_pk('quote_product_product' );
select table_privs_are('quote_product_product', 'guest', array []::text[]);
select table_privs_are('quote_product_product', 'invoicer', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote_product_product', 'admin', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote_product_product', 'authenticator', array []::text[]);
select has_column('quote_product_product', 'quote_product_id');
select col_is_pk('quote_product_product', 'quote_product_id');
select col_is_fk('quote_product_product', 'quote_product_id');
select fk_ok('quote_product_product', 'quote_product_id', 'quote_product', 'quote_product_id');
select col_type_is('quote_product_product', 'quote_product_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_product_product', 'quote_product_id');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_product_product', 'quote_product_id');
select has_column('quote_product_product', 'product_id');
select col_is_fk('quote_product_product', 'product_id');
select fk_ok('quote_product_product', 'product_id', 'product', 'product_id');
select col_type_is('quote_product_product', 'product_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_product_product', 'product_id');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_product_product', 'product_id');
select *
from finish();
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
-- Test quote_product_tax
set client_min_messages to warning;
create extension if not exists pgtap;
reset client_min_messages;
select plan(27);
set search_path to numerus, auth, public;
select has_table('quote_product_tax');
select has_pk('quote_product_tax' );
select col_is_pk('quote_product_tax', array['quote_product_id', 'tax_id']);
select table_privs_are('quote_product_tax', 'guest', array []::text[]);
select table_privs_are('quote_product_tax', 'invoicer', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote_product_tax', 'admin', array ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE']);
select table_privs_are('quote_product_tax', 'authenticator', array []::text[]);
select has_column('quote_product_tax', 'quote_product_id');
select col_is_fk('quote_product_tax', 'quote_product_id');
select fk_ok('quote_product_tax', 'quote_product_id', 'quote_product', 'quote_product_id');
select col_type_is('quote_product_tax', 'quote_product_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_product_tax', 'quote_product_id');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_product_tax', 'quote_product_id');
select has_column('quote_product_tax', 'tax_id');
select col_is_fk('quote_product_tax', 'tax_id');
select fk_ok('quote_product_tax', 'tax_id', 'tax', 'tax_id');
select col_type_is('quote_product_tax', 'tax_id', 'integer');
select col_not_null('quote_product_tax', 'tax_id');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_product_tax', 'tax_id');
select has_column('quote_product_tax', 'tax_rate');
select col_type_is('quote_product_tax', 'tax_rate', 'tax_rate');
select col_not_null('quote_product_tax', 'tax_rate');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_product_tax', 'tax_rate');
set client_min_messages to warning;
truncate quote_product_tax cascade;
truncate quote_product cascade;
truncate invoice cascade;
truncate tax cascade;
truncate tax_class cascade;
truncate company_user cascade;
truncate payment_method cascade;
truncate company cascade;
truncate auth."user" cascade;
reset client_min_messages;
insert into auth."user" (user_id, email, name, password, role, cookie, cookie_expires_at)
values (1, '', 'Demo', 'test', 'invoicer', '44facbb30d8a419dfd4bfbc44a4b5539d4970148dfc84bed0e', current_timestamp + interval '1 month')
, (5, '', 'Demo', 'test', 'admin', '12af4c88b528c2ad4222e3740496ecbc58e76e26f087657524', current_timestamp + interval '1 month')
set constraints "company_default_payment_method_id_fkey" deferred;
insert into company (company_id, business_name, vatin, trade_name, phone, email, web, address, city, province, postal_code, country_code, currency_code, default_payment_method_id)
values (2, 'Company 2', 'XX123', '', '555-555-555', 'a@a', '', '', '', '', '', 'ES', 'EUR', 222)
, (4, 'Company 4', 'XX234', '', '666-666-666', 'b@b', '', '', '', '', '', 'FR', 'USD', 444)
insert into payment_method (payment_method_id, company_id, name, instructions)
values (444, 4, 'cash', 'cash')
, (222, 2, 'cash', 'cash')
set constraints "company_default_payment_method_id_fkey" immediate;
insert into company_user (company_id, user_id)
values (2, 1)
, (4, 5)
insert into tax_class (tax_class_id, company_id, name)
values (22, 2, 'vat')
, (44, 4, 'vat')
insert into tax (tax_id, company_id, tax_class_id, name, rate)
values (3, 2, 22, 'IVA 21 %', 0.21)
, (6, 4, 44, 'IVA 10 %', 0.10)
insert into quote (quote_id, company_id, quote_number, currency_code)
values (11, 2, 'QUO001', 'EUR')
, (12, 4, 'QUO002', 'EUR')
insert into quote_product (quote_product_id, quote_id, name, price)
values (13, 11, 'Product 1', 1200)
, (14, 12, 'Product 2', 2400)
insert into quote_product_tax (quote_product_id, tax_id, tax_rate)
values (13, 3, 0.10)
, (14, 6, -0.15)
prepare product_tax_data as
select quote_product_id, tax_id
from quote_product_tax
order by quote_product_id, tax_id;
set role invoicer;
select is_empty('product_tax_data', 'Should show no data when cookie is not set yet');
reset role;
select set_cookie('44facbb30d8a419dfd4bfbc44a4b5539d4970148dfc84bed0e/');
select bag_eq(
$$ values (13, 3)
'Should only list tax of products of the companies where is user of'
reset role;
select set_cookie('12af4c88b528c2ad4222e3740496ecbc58e76e26f087657524/');
select bag_eq(
$$ values (14, 6)
'Should only list tax of products of the companies where is user of'
reset role;
select set_cookie('not-a-cookie');
select throws_ok(
'42501', 'permission denied for table quote_product_tax',
'Should not allow select to guest users'
reset role;
select *
from finish();
select *
from finish();
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-- Test quote_status
set client_min_messages to warning;
create extension if not exists pgtap;
reset client_min_messages;
select plan(15);
set search_path to numerus, public;
select has_table('quote_status');
select has_pk('quote_status' );
select table_privs_are('quote_status', 'guest', array []::text[]);
select table_privs_are('quote_status', 'invoicer', array ['SELECT']);
select table_privs_are('quote_status', 'admin', array ['SELECT']);
select table_privs_are('quote_status', 'authenticator', array []::text[]);
select has_column('quote_status', 'quote_status');
select col_is_pk('quote_status', 'quote_status');
select col_type_is('quote_status', 'quote_status', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote_status', 'quote_status');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_status', 'quote_status');
select has_column('quote_status', 'name');
select col_type_is('quote_status', 'name', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote_status', 'name');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_status', 'name');
select *
from finish();
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
-- Test quote_status_i18n
set client_min_messages to warning;
create extension if not exists pgtap;
reset client_min_messages;
select plan(23);
set search_path to numerus, public;
select has_table('quote_status_i18n');
select has_pk('quote_status_i18n' );
select col_is_pk('quote_status_i18n', array['quote_status', 'lang_tag']);
select table_privs_are('quote_status_i18n', 'guest', array []::text[]);
select table_privs_are('quote_status_i18n', 'invoicer', array ['SELECT']);
select table_privs_are('quote_status_i18n', 'admin', array ['SELECT']);
select table_privs_are('quote_status_i18n', 'authenticator', array []::text[]);
select has_column('quote_status_i18n', 'quote_status');
select col_is_fk('quote_status_i18n', 'quote_status');
select fk_ok('quote_status_i18n', 'quote_status', 'quote_status', 'quote_status');
select col_type_is('quote_status_i18n', 'quote_status', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote_status_i18n', 'quote_status');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_status_i18n', 'quote_status');
select has_column('quote_status_i18n', 'lang_tag');
select col_is_fk('quote_status_i18n', 'lang_tag');
select fk_ok('quote_status_i18n', 'lang_tag', 'language', 'lang_tag');
select col_type_is('quote_status_i18n', 'lang_tag', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote_status_i18n', 'lang_tag');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_status_i18n', 'lang_tag');
select has_column('quote_status_i18n', 'name');
select col_type_is('quote_status_i18n', 'name', 'text');
select col_not_null('quote_status_i18n', 'name');
select col_hasnt_default('quote_status_i18n', 'name');
select *
from finish();
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
-- Verify numerus:available_quote_status on pg
set search_path to numerus;
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status where quote_status = 'created' and name ='Created';
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status where quote_status = 'sent' and name ='Sent';
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status where quote_status = 'accepted' and name ='Accepted';
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status where quote_status = 'rejected' and name ='Rejected';
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'created' and name ='Creat' and lang_tag = 'ca';
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'created' and name ='Creado' and lang_tag = 'es';
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'sent' and name ='Enviat' and lang_tag= 'ca';
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'sent' and name ='Enviado' and lang_tag= 'es';
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'accepted' and name ='Acceptat' and lang_tag= 'ca';
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'accepted' and name ='Aceptado' and lang_tag= 'es';
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'rejected' and name ='Rebutjat' and lang_tag= 'ca';
select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'rejected' and name ='Rechazado' and lang_tag= 'es';
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-- Verify numerus:quote on pg
select quote_id
, company_id
, slug
, quote_number
, quote_date
, quote_status
, terms_and_conditions
, notes
, tags
, currency_code
, created_at
from numerus.quote
where false;
select 1 / count(*) from pg_class where oid = 'numerus.quote'::regclass and relrowsecurity;
select 1 / count(*) from pg_policy where polname = 'company_policy' and polrelid = 'numerus.quote'::regclass;
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- Verify numerus:quote_contact on pg
select quote_id
, contact_id
from numerus.quote_contact
where false;
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- Verify numerus:quote_payment_method on pg
select quote_id
, payment_method_id
from numerus.quote_payment_method
where false;
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
-- Verify numerus:quote_product on pg
select quote_product_id
, quote_id
, name
, description
, price
, quantity
, discount_rate
from numerus.quote_product
where false;
select 1 / count(*) from pg_class where oid = 'numerus.quote_product'::regclass and relrowsecurity;
select 1 / count(*) from pg_policy where polname = 'company_policy' and polrelid = 'numerus.quote_product'::regclass;
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- Verify numerus:quote_product_product on pg
select quote_product_id
, product_id
from numerus.quote_product_product
where false;
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
-- Verify numerus:quote_product_tax on pg
select quote_product_id
, tax_id
, tax_rate
from numerus.quote_product_tax
where false;
select 1 / count(*) from pg_class where oid = 'numerus.quote_product_tax'::regclass and relrowsecurity;
select 1 / count(*) from pg_policy where polname = 'company_policy' and polrelid = 'numerus.quote_product_tax'::regclass;
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- Verify numerus:quote_status on pg
select quote_status
, name
from numerus.quote_status
where false;
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- Verify numerus:quote_status_i18n on pg
select quote_status
, lang_tag
, name
from numerus.quote_status_i18n
where false;
Reference in New Issue