-- Verify numerus:available_invoice_status on pg


set search_path to numerus;

select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status where invoice_status = 'created' and name ='Created';
select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status where invoice_status = 'sent' and name ='Sent';
select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status where invoice_status = 'paid' and name ='Paid';
select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status where invoice_status = 'unpaid' and name ='Unpaid';

select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status_i18n where invoice_status = 'created' and name ='Creada' and lang_tag = 'ca';
select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status_i18n where invoice_status = 'created' and name ='Creada' and lang_tag = 'es';
select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status_i18n where invoice_status = 'sent' and name ='Enviada' and lang_tag= 'ca';
select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status_i18n where invoice_status = 'sent' and name ='Enviada' and lang_tag= 'es';
select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status_i18n where invoice_status = 'paid' and name ='Cobrada' and lang_tag= 'ca';
select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status_i18n where invoice_status = 'paid' and name ='Cobrada' and lang_tag= 'es';
select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status_i18n where invoice_status = 'unpaid' and name ='No cobrada' and lang_tag= 'ca';
select 1 / count(*) from invoice_status_i18n where invoice_status = 'unpaid' and name ='No cobrada' and lang_tag= 'es';
