-- Deploy numerus:import_contact to pg
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: roles
-- requires: contact
-- requires: contact_web
-- requires: contact_phone
-- requires: contact_email
-- requires: contact_iban
-- requires: contact_swift
-- requires: contact_tax_details
-- requires: input_is_valid
-- requires: input_is_valid_phone


set search_path to numerus, public;

create or replace function begin_import_contacts() returns name as
create temporary table imported_contact (
	  contact_id integer
	, name text not null default ''
	, vatin text not null default ''
	, email text not null default ''
	, phone text not null default ''
	, web text not null default ''
	, address text not null default ''
	, city text not null default ''
	, province text not null default ''
	, postal_code text not null default ''
	, country_code text not null default ''
	, iban text not null default ''
	, bic text not null default ''
	, tags text not null default ''
select 'imported_contact'::name;
language sql;

revoke execute on function begin_import_contacts() from public;
grant execute on function begin_import_contacts() to invoicer;
grant execute on function begin_import_contacts() to admin;

create or replace function end_import_contacts(company_id integer) returns integer as
	imported integer;
	update imported_contact
	set country_code = upper(trim(country_code))
	  , name = trim(name)
	  , vatin = trim(vatin)
	  , email = trim(email)
	  , phone = trim(phone)
	  , web = trim(web)
	  , address = trim(address)
	  , city = trim(city)
	  , province = trim(province)
	  , postal_code = trim(postal_code)
	  , iban = trim(iban)
	  , bic = trim(bic)
	  , tags = lower(trim(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(tags, '[^\sA-Za-z0-9-]', '', 'g'), '\s\s+', ' ', 'g')))

	update imported_contact
	set contact_id = tax_details.contact_id
	from contact_tax_details as tax_details
	join contact using (contact_id)
	where contact.company_id = end_import_contacts.company_id
	  and tax_details.vatin::text = imported_contact.country_code || imported_contact.vatin

	update imported_contact
	set contact_id = nextval('contact_contact_id_seq'::regclass)
	where length(trim(name)) > 1
	  and contact_id is null

	insert into contact (contact_id, company_id, name, tags)
	select contact_id, end_import_contacts.company_id, name, string_to_array(tags, ' ')::tag_name[]
	from imported_contact
	where contact_id is not null
	on conflict (contact_id) do update
	set tags = array_cat(contact.tags, excluded.tags)

	insert into contact_tax_details (contact_id, business_name, vatin, address, city, province, postal_code, country_code)
	select contact_id, imported_contact.name, (country_code || vatin)::vatin, address, city, province, postal_code, country_code
	from imported_contact
	join country using (country_code)
	where contact_id is not null
	  and length(address) > 1
	  and length(city) > 1
	  and length(province) > 1
	  and postal_code ~ postal_code_regex
	  and input_is_valid(country_code || vatin, 'vatin')
	on conflict (contact_id) do update
	set business_name = excluded.business_name
	  , vatin = excluded.vatin
	  , address = excluded.address
	  , city = excluded.city
	  , province = excluded.province
	  , postal_code = excluded.postal_code
	  , country_code = excluded.country_code

	insert into contact_email (contact_id, email)
	select contact_id, email::email
	from imported_contact
	where contact_id is not null
	  and input_is_valid(email, 'email')
	on conflict (contact_id) do update
	set email = excluded.email

	insert into contact_web (contact_id, uri)
	select contact_id, web::uri
	from imported_contact
	where contact_id is not null
	  and input_is_valid(web, 'uri')
	  and length(web) > 1
	on conflict (contact_id) do update
	set uri = excluded.uri

	insert into contact_iban (contact_id, iban)
	select contact_id, iban::iban
	from imported_contact
	where contact_id is not null
	  and input_is_valid(iban, 'iban')
	on conflict (contact_id) do update
	set iban = excluded.iban

	insert into contact_swift (contact_id, bic)
	select contact_id, bic::bic
	from imported_contact
	where contact_id is not null
	  and input_is_valid(bic, 'bic')
	on conflict (contact_id) do update
	set bic = excluded.bic

	insert into contact_phone (contact_id, phone)
	select contact_id, parse_packed_phone_number(phone, case when country_code = '' then 'ES' else country_code end)
	from imported_contact
	where contact_id is not null
	  and input_is_valid_phone(phone, case when country_code = '' then 'ES' else country_code end)
	on conflict (contact_id) do update
	set phone = excluded.phone

	select count(*) from imported_contact where contact_id is not null into imported;
	return imported;

	drop table imported_contact;
language plpgsql;

revoke execute on function end_import_contacts(integer) from public;
grant execute on function end_import_contacts(integer) to invoicer;
grant execute on function end_import_contacts(integer) to admin;
