-- Deploy numerus:add_payment_account_card to pg -- requires: roles -- requires: schema_numerus -- requires: payment_account -- requires: payment_account_card begin; set search_path to numerus, public; create or replace function add_payment_account_card(company integer, name text, four_digits text, exp_date date) returns uuid as $$ declare account_id integer; account_slug uuid; begin insert into payment_account (company_id, payment_account_type, name) select company, 'card', add_payment_account_card.name returning payment_account_id, slug into account_id, account_slug; insert into payment_account_card (payment_account_id, last_four_digits, expiration_date) values (account_id, four_digits, exp_date); return account_slug; end $$ language plpgsql ; revoke execute on function add_payment_account_card(integer, text, text, date) from public; grant execute on function add_payment_account_card(integer, text, text, date) to invoicer; grant execute on function add_payment_account_card(integer, text, text, date) to admin; commit;