-- Revert numerus:contact_tax_details from pg begin; set search_path to numerus, public; alter table contact drop constraint name_not_empty , add column country_code country_code , add column postal_code text , add column province text , add column city text , add column address text , add column vatin vatin , add column business_name text constraint business_name_not_empty check(length(trim(business_name)) > 1) ; alter table contact rename column name to trade_name ; update contact set business_name = tax.business_name , vatin = tax.vatin , address = tax.address , city = tax.city , province = tax.province , postal_code = tax.postal_code , country_code = tax.country_code from contact_tax_details as tax where tax.contact_id = contact.contact_id ; alter table contact alter column business_name set not null , alter column vatin set not null , alter column address set not null , alter column city set not null , alter column province set not null , alter column postal_code set not null , alter column country_code set not null ; update contact set trade_name = '' where trade_name = business_name ; drop table if exists contact_tax_details; commit;