-- Test add_quote set client_min_messages to warning; create extension if not exists pgtap; reset client_min_messages; begin; select plan(18); set search_path to auth, numerus, public; select has_function('numerus', 'add_quote', array ['integer', 'date', 'integer', 'text', 'text', 'integer', 'tag_name[]', 'new_quote_product[]']); select function_lang_is('numerus', 'add_quote', array ['integer', 'date', 'integer', 'text', 'text', 'integer', 'tag_name[]', 'new_quote_product[]'], 'plpgsql'); select function_returns('numerus', 'add_quote', array ['integer', 'date', 'integer', 'text', 'text', 'integer', 'tag_name[]', 'new_quote_product[]'], 'uuid'); select isnt_definer('numerus', 'add_quote', array ['integer', 'date', 'integer', 'text', 'text', 'integer', 'tag_name[]', 'new_quote_product[]']); select volatility_is('numerus', 'add_quote', array ['integer', 'date', 'integer', 'text', 'text', 'integer', 'tag_name[]', 'new_quote_product[]'], 'volatile'); select function_privs_are('numerus', 'add_quote', array ['integer', 'date', 'integer', 'text', 'text', 'integer', 'tag_name[]', 'new_quote_product[]'], 'guest', array []::text[]); select function_privs_are('numerus', 'add_quote', array ['integer', 'date', 'integer', 'text', 'text', 'integer', 'tag_name[]', 'new_quote_product[]'], 'invoicer', array ['EXECUTE']); select function_privs_are('numerus', 'add_quote', array ['integer', 'date', 'integer', 'text', 'text', 'integer', 'tag_name[]', 'new_quote_product[]'], 'admin', array ['EXECUTE']); select function_privs_are('numerus', 'add_quote', array ['integer', 'date', 'integer', 'text', 'text', 'integer', 'tag_name[]', 'new_quote_product[]'], 'authenticator', array []::text[]); set client_min_messages to warning; truncate quote_number_counter cascade; truncate quote_product_tax cascade; truncate quote_product cascade; truncate quote_contact cascade; truncate quote_payment_method cascade; truncate quote cascade; truncate contact cascade; truncate product cascade; truncate tax cascade; truncate tax_class cascade; truncate payment_method cascade; truncate company cascade; reset client_min_messages; set constraints "company_default_payment_method_id_fkey" deferred; insert into company (company_id, business_name, vatin, trade_name, phone, email, web, address, city, province, postal_code, country_code, currency_code, quote_number_format, default_payment_method_id) values (1, 'Company 2', 'XX123', '', '555-555-555', 'a@a', '', '', '', '', '', 'ES', 'EUR', '"Q"YYYY0000', 111) , (2, 'Company 4', 'XX234', '', '666-666-666', 'b@b', '', '', '', '', '', 'FR', 'USD', '"QUO"000-YY', 222) ; insert into payment_method (payment_method_id, company_id, name, instructions) values (111, 1, 'cash', 'cash') , (222, 2, 'cash', 'cash') ; set constraints "company_default_payment_method_id_fkey" immediate; insert into quote_number_counter (company_id, year, currval) values (1, 2023, '5') , (2, 2023, '55') ; insert into tax_class (tax_class_id, company_id, name) values (11, 1, 'tax') , (22, 2, 'tax') ; insert into tax (tax_id, company_id, tax_class_id, name, rate) values (3, 1, 11, 'IRPF -15 %', -0.15) , (4, 1, 11, 'IVA 21 %', 0.21) , (5, 2, 22, 'IRPF -7 %', -0.07) , (6, 2, 22, 'IVA 10 %', 0.10) ; insert into product (product_id, company_id, name, price) values ( 7, 1, 'Product 2.1', 1212) , ( 8, 1, 'Product 2.2', 2424) , ( 9, 2, 'Product 4.1', 4848) , (10, 2, 'Product 4.2', 9696) , (11, 2, 'Product 4.3', 1010) ; insert into contact (contact_id, company_id, name) values (12, 1, 'Contact 2.1') , (13, 1, 'Contact 2.2') , (14, 2, 'Contact 4.1') , (15, 2, 'Contact 4.2') ; select lives_ok( $$ select add_quote(1, '2023-02-15', 12, 'No need for advance payment', 'Notes 1', null, '{tag1,tag2}','{"(7,Product 1,Description 1,12.24,2,0.0,{4})"}') $$, 'Should be able to insert an quote for the first company with a product' ); select lives_ok( $$ select add_quote(1, '2023-02-16', null, 'Pay 10% in advance', 'Notes 2', 111, '{}', '{"(7,Product 1 bis,Description 1 bis,33.33,1,0.50,\"{4,3}\")","(8,Product 2,Description 2,24.00,3,0.75,{})"}') $$, 'Should be able to insert a second quote for the first company with two product' ); select lives_ok( $$ select add_quote(2, '2023-02-14', 15, 'Pay half in advance', 'Notes 3', 222, '{tag3}','{"(11,Product 4.3,,11.11,1,0.0,{6})","(,Product 4.4,Description 4.4,22.22,3,0.05,{})"}') $$, 'Should be able to insert an quote for the second company with a product' ); select bag_eq( $$ select company_id, quote_number, quote_date, quote_status, terms_and_conditions, notes, currency_code, tags, created_at from quote $$, $$ values (1, 'Q20230006', '2023-02-15'::date, 'created', 'No need for advance payment', 'Notes 1', 'EUR', '{tag1,tag2}'::tag_name[], current_timestamp) , (1, 'Q20230007', '2023-02-16'::date, 'created', 'Pay 10% in advance', 'Notes 2', 'EUR', '{}'::tag_name[], current_timestamp) , (2, 'QUO056-23', '2023-02-14'::date, 'created', 'Pay half in advance', 'Notes 3', 'USD', '{tag3}'::tag_name[], current_timestamp) $$, 'Should have created all quotes' ); select bag_eq( $$ select quote_number, payment_method_id from quote_payment_method join quote using (quote_id) $$, $$ values ('Q20230007', 111) , ('QUO056-23', 222) $$, 'Should have created all payment methods' ); select bag_eq( $$ select quote_number, contact_id from quote_contact join quote using (quote_id) $$, $$ values ('Q20230006', 12) , ('QUO056-23', 15) $$, 'Should have created all contacts' ); select bag_eq( $$ select quote_number, name, description, price, quantity, discount_rate from quote_product join quote using (quote_id) $$, $$ values ('Q20230006', 'Product 1', 'Description 1', 1224, 2, 0.00) , ('Q20230007', 'Product 1 bis', 'Description 1 bis', 3333, 1, 0.50) , ('Q20230007', 'Product 2', 'Description 2', 2400, 3, 0.75) , ('QUO056-23', 'Product 4.3', '', 1111, 1, 0.0) , ('QUO056-23', 'Product 4.4', 'Description 4.4', 2222, 3, 0.05) $$, 'Should have created all quote products' ); select bag_eq( $$ select quote_number, product_id, name from quote_product left join quote_product_product using (quote_product_id) join quote using (quote_id) $$, $$ values ('Q20230006', 7, 'Product 1') , ('Q20230007', 7, 'Product 1 bis') , ('Q20230007', 8, 'Product 2') , ('QUO056-23', 11, 'Product 4.3') , ('QUO056-23', NULL, 'Product 4.4') $$, 'Should have linked all quote products' ); select bag_eq( $$ select quote_number, name, tax_id, tax_rate from quote_product_tax join quote_product using (quote_product_id) join quote using (quote_id) $$, $$ values ('Q20230006', 'Product 1', 4, 0.21) , ('Q20230007', 'Product 1 bis', 4, 0.21) , ('Q20230007', 'Product 1 bis', 3, -0.15) , ('QUO056-23', 'Product 4.3', 6, 0.10) $$, 'Should have created all quote product taxes' ); select * from finish(); rollback;