-- Deploy numerus:check_cookie to pg
-- requires: schema_public
-- requires: user


set search_path to public, numerus, auth;

create or replace function check_cookie(input_cookie text) returns name as
	uid text;
	user_email text;
	user_role name;
	user_cookie text;
	select user_id::text, email::text, role, cookie
	into uid, user_email, user_role, user_cookie
	from "user"
	where email = split_part(input_cookie, '/', 2)
	  and cookie_expires_at > current_timestamp
	  and length(password) > 0
	  and cookie = split_part(input_cookie, '/', 1)
	if user_role is null then
		uid := '0';
		user_email := '';
		user_cookie := '';
		user_role := 'guest'::name;
	end if;
	perform set_config('request.user.email', user_email, false);
	perform set_config('request.user.cookie', user_cookie, false);
	return user_role;
language plpgsql
security definer
set search_path = auth, numerus, pg_temp;

comment on function check_cookie(text) is
'Checks whether a given cookie is for a valid users, returning their role, and setting current_user_email and current_user_cookie';

revoke execute on function check_cookie(text) from public;
grant execute on function check_cookie(text) to authenticator;
