{{ define "title" -}} {{- /*gotype: dev.tandem.ws/tandem/numerus/pkg.PaymentIndexPage*/ -}} {{- if .Invoice -}} {{( pgettext "Collections" "title" )}} {{- else -}} {{( pgettext "Payments" "title" )}} {{- end -}} {{- end }} {{ define "breadcrumbs" -}} {{- /*gotype: dev.tandem.ws/tandem/numerus/pkg.PaymentIndexPage*/ -}} <nav> <p> <a href="{{ companyURI "/" }}">{{( pgettext "Home" "title" )}}</a> / {{ if .Expense }} <a href="{{ companyURI "/expenses" }}">{{( pgettext "Expenses" "title" )}}</a> / <a href="{{ companyURI "/expenses/" }}{{ .Expense.Slug }}">{{ .Expense.InvoiceNumber }}</a> / {{ else if .Invoice }} <a href="{{ companyURI "/invoices" }}">{{( pgettext "Invoices" "title" )}}</a> / <a href="{{ companyURI "/invoices/" }}{{ .Invoice.Slug }}">{{ .Invoice.InvoiceNumber }}</a> / {{ end }} <a>{{ template "title" . }}</a> </p> <a class="primary button" href="{{ .BaseURI }}/new"> {{- if .Invoice -}} {{( pgettext "New collection" "action" )}} {{- else -}} {{( pgettext "New payment" "action" )}} {{- end -}} </a> </nav> {{- end }} {{ define "content" }} {{- /*gotype: dev.tandem.ws/tandem/numerus/pkg.PaymentIndexPage*/ -}} <table> <thead> <tr> <th> {{- if .Invoice -}} {{( pgettext "Collection Date" "title" )}} {{- else -}} {{( pgettext "Payment Date" "title" )}} {{- end -}} </th> <th>{{( pgettext "Description" "title" )}}</th> {{ if not (or .Invoice .Expense)}} <th>{{( pgettext "Document" "title" )}}</th> {{ end }} <th>{{( pgettext "Status" "title" )}}</th> <th>{{( pgettext "Tags" "title" )}}</th> <th class="numeric">{{( pgettext "Total" "title" )}}</th> <th>{{( pgettext "Download" "title" )}}</th> <th>{{( pgettext "Actions" "title" )}}</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {{ $confirm := or (and .Invoice (gettext "Are you sure you wish to delete this collection?")) (gettext "Are you sure you wish to delete this payment?") }} {{ with .Payments }} {{- range $payment := . }} <tr> <td>{{ .PaymentDate|formatDate }}</td> <td><a href="{{ $.BaseURI }}/{{ .Slug }}">{{ .Description }}</a></td> {{ if not (or $.Invoice $.Expense)}} <td> {{- if .InvoiceNumber -}} {{- if eq .Type "P" -}} <a href="{{ companyURI "/expenses/"}}{{ .DocumentSlug }}">{{ .InvoiceNumber }}</a> {{- else -}} <a href="{{ companyURI "/invoices/"}}{{ .DocumentSlug }}">{{ .InvoiceNumber }}</a> {{- end -}} {{- end -}} </td> {{ end }} <td class="payment-status-{{ .Status }}">{{ .StatusLabel }}</td> <td data-hx-get="{{ companyURI "/payments/" }}{{ .Slug }}/tags/edit" data-hx-target="this" data-hx-swap="outerHTML" > {{- range $index, $tag := .Tags }} {{- if gt $index 0 }}, {{ end -}} {{ . }} {{- end }} </td> <td class="numeric">{{- if eq .Type "P" -}}-{{ end }}{{ .Total | formatPrice }}</td> <td class="invoice-download"> {{ if .OriginalFileName }} <a href="{{ companyURI "/payments/"}}{{ .Slug }}/download/{{.OriginalFileName}}" title="{{( pgettext "Download payment attachment" "action" )}}" aria-label="{{( pgettext "Download payment attachment" "action" )}}"><i class="ri-download-line"></i></a> {{ end }} </td> <td class="actions"> <details class="menu"> {{- $label := .Description | printf (gettext "Actions for payment %s") -}} <summary aria-label="{{ $label }}"><i class="ri-more-line"></i></summary> <ul role="menu" class="action-menu"> <li role="presentation"> <a role="menuitem" href="{{ $.BaseURI }}/{{ .Slug }}"> <i class="ri-edit-line"></i> {{( pgettext "Edit" "action" )}} </a> </li> <li role="presentation"> <form method="POST" action="{{ $.BaseURI }}/{{ .Slug }}" data-hx-boost="true" data-hx-target="main" data-hx-confirm="{{ $confirm }}" > {{ csrfToken }} {{ deleteMethod }} <button class="icon" role="menuitem"> <i class="ri-delete-back-2-line"></i> {{( pgettext "Remove" "action" )}} </button> </form> </li> </ul> </details> </td> </tr> {{- end }} {{ else }} <tr> <td colspan="8"> {{- if .Invoice -}} {{( gettext "No collections added yet." )}} {{- else -}} {{( gettext "No payments added yet." )}} {{- end -}} </td> </tr> {{ end }} </tbody> </table> {{- end }}