{{ define "title" -}} {{( pgettext "Quotations" "title" )}} {{- end }} {{ define "breadcrumbs" -}} {{- /*gotype: dev.tandem.ws/tandem/numerus/pkg.QuotesIndexPage*/ -}} {{- end }} {{ define "content" }} {{- /*gotype: dev.tandem.ws/tandem/numerus/pkg.QuotesIndexPage*/ -}}
{{ with .Filters }} {{ template "select-field" .Customer }} {{ template "select-field" .QuoteStatus }} {{ template "input-field" .FromDate }} {{ template "input-field" .ToDate }} {{ template "input-field" .QuoteNumber }} {{ template "tags-field" .Tags | addTagsAttr (print `data-conditions="` .TagsCondition.Name `-field"`) }} {{ template "toggle-field" .TagsCondition }} {{ end }}
{{ if .Filters.HasValue }} {{( pgettext "Reset" "action" )}} {{ end }}
{{ with .Quotes }} {{- range $quote := . }} {{ $title := .Number | printf (pgettext "Select quotation %v" "action") }} {{- end }} {{ else }} {{ end }} {{ if .Quotes }} {{ end }}
{{( pgettext "All" "quote" )}} {{( pgettext "Date" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Quotation Num." "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Customer" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Status" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Tags" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Amount" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Actions" "title" )}}
{{ .Date|formatDate }} {{ .Number }} {{ .CustomerName }} {{- range $index, $tag := .Tags }} {{- if gt $index 0 }}, {{ end -}} {{ . }} {{- end }} {{ .Total|formatPrice }}
{{( gettext "No quotations added yet." )}}
{{( gettext "Total" )}} {{ .TotalAmount|formatPrice }}
{{- end }}