{{ define "title" -}} {{( pgettext "Tax Details" "title" )}} {{- end }} {{ define "breadcrumbs" -}} {{- /*gotype: dev.tandem.ws/tandem/numerus/pkg.TaxDetailsPage*/ -}} {{- end }} {{ define "content" }} {{- /*gotype: dev.tandem.ws/tandem/numerus/pkg.TaxDetailsPage*/ -}}

{{(pgettext "Tax Details" "title")}}

{{ with .DetailsForm }}
{{ csrfToken }} {{ template "input-field" .BusinessName }} {{ template "input-field" .VATIN }} {{ template "input-field" .TradeName }} {{ template "input-field" .Phone }} {{ template "input-field" .Email }} {{ template "input-field" .Web }} {{ template "input-field" .Address | addInputAttr `class="width-2x"` }} {{ template "input-field" .City }} {{ template "input-field" .Province }} {{ template "input-field" .PostalCode }} {{ template "select-field" .Country | addSelectAttr `class="width-fixed"` }}
{{( pgettext "Currency" "title" )}} {{ template "select-field" .Currency }}
{{( pgettext "Invoicing" "title" )}} {{ template "input-field" .InvoiceNumberFormat }} {{ template "input-field" .LegalDisclaimer }}
{{ end }}
{{ csrfToken }}
{{ $confirm := ( gettext "Are you sure?" )}}
{{ with .Taxes }} {{- range $tax := . }} {{- end }} {{ else }} {{ end }}
{{( pgettext "Tax Name" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Rate (%)" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Class" "title" )}}
{{ .Name }} {{ .Rate }} {{ .Class }}
{{ csrfToken }} {{ deleteMethod }}
{{( gettext "No taxes added yet." )}}
{{( pgettext "New Line" "title")}} {{ template "input-field" .NewTaxForm.Name | addInputAttr `form="newtax"` }} {{ template "input-field" .NewTaxForm.Rate | addInputAttr `form="newtax"` }} {{ template "select-field" .NewTaxForm.Class | addSelectAttr `form="newtax"` }}
{{ csrfToken }}
{{ with .PaymentMethods }} {{- range $method := . }} {{- end }} {{ else }} {{ end }}
{{( pgettext "Payment Method" "title" )}} {{( pgettext "Instructions" "title" )}}
{{ .Name }} {{ .Instructions }}
{{ csrfToken }} {{ deleteMethod }}
{{( gettext "No payment methods added yet." )}}
{{( pgettext "New Line" "title")}} {{ template "input-field" .NewPaymentMethodForm.Name | addInputAttr `form="new-payment-method"` }} {{ template "input-field" .NewPaymentMethodForm.Instructions | addInputAttr `form="new-payment-method"` }}
{{- end }}