-- Test parse_price set client_min_messages to warning; create extension if not exists pgtap; reset client_min_messages; begin; select plan(42); set search_path to auth, numerus, public; select has_function('numerus', 'parse_price', array ['text', 'integer']); select function_lang_is('numerus', 'parse_price', array ['text', 'integer'], 'plpgsql'); select function_returns('numerus', 'parse_price', array ['text', 'integer'], 'integer'); select isnt_definer('numerus', 'parse_price', array ['text', 'integer']); select volatility_is('numerus', 'parse_price', array ['text', 'integer'], 'immutable'); select function_privs_are('numerus', 'parse_price', array ['text', 'integer'], 'guest', array []::text[]); select function_privs_are('numerus', 'parse_price', array ['text', 'integer'], 'invoicer', array ['EXECUTE']); select function_privs_are('numerus', 'parse_price', array ['text', 'integer'], 'admin', array ['EXECUTE']); select function_privs_are('numerus', 'parse_price', array ['text', 'integer'], 'authenticator', array []::text[]); select is( parse_price('1.1', 2), 110 ); select is( parse_price('1.1', 3), 1100 ); select is( parse_price('0', 2), 0 ); select is( parse_price('0', 3), 0 ); select is( parse_price('-0', 2), 0 ); select is( parse_price('-0', 3), 0 ); select is( parse_price('0.01', 2), 1 ); select is( parse_price('0.001', 3), 1 ); select is( parse_price('-0.01', 2), -1 ); select is( parse_price('-0.001', 3), -1 ); select is( parse_price('0.1', 2), 10 ); select is( parse_price('0.01', 3), 10 ); select is( parse_price('1', 2), 100 ); select is( parse_price('0.1', 3), 100 ); select is( parse_price('10', 2), 1000 ); select is( parse_price('1', 3), 1000 ); select is( parse_price('23.23', 2), 2323 ); select is( parse_price('23.23', 3), 23230 ); select is( parse_price('-23.23', 2), -2323 ); select is( parse_price('-23.23', 3), -23230 ); select throws_ok( $$ select parse_price('234.234', 2) $$ ); select is( parse_price('234.234', 3), 234234 ); select throws_ok( $$ select parse_price('2345.2345', 2) $$ ); select throws_ok( $$ select parse_price('2345.2345', 3) $$ ); select is( parse_price('00000000000000001.100000000000000000000', 2), 110 ); select is( parse_price('00000000000000001.100000000000000000000', 3), 1100 ); select is( parse_price('00000000000000000.100000000000000000000', 2), 10 ); select is( parse_price('00000000000000000.100000000000000000000', 3), 100 ); select is( parse_price('00000000000123456.780000000000000000000', 2), 12345678 ); select is( parse_price('00000000000123456.789000000000000000000', 3), 123456789 ); select throws_ok( $$ select parse_price('1,1', 2) $$ ); select throws_ok( $$ select parse_price('1.1.1', 2) $$ ); select throws_ok( $$ select parse_price('a.b', 2) $$ ); select * from finish(); rollback;