-- Verify numerus:available_quote_status on pg begin; set search_path to numerus; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status where quote_status = 'created' and name ='Created'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status where quote_status = 'sent' and name ='Sent'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status where quote_status = 'accepted' and name ='Accepted'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status where quote_status = 'rejected' and name ='Rejected'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status where quote_status = 'invoiced' and name ='Invoiced'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'created' and name ='Creat' and lang_tag = 'ca'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'created' and name ='Creado' and lang_tag = 'es'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'sent' and name ='Enviat' and lang_tag= 'ca'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'sent' and name ='Enviado' and lang_tag= 'es'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'accepted' and name ='Acceptat' and lang_tag= 'ca'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'accepted' and name ='Aceptado' and lang_tag= 'es'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'rejected' and name ='Rebutjat' and lang_tag= 'ca'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'rejected' and name ='Rechazado' and lang_tag= 'es'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'invoiced' and name ='Facturat' and lang_tag = 'ca'; select 1 / count(*) from quote_status_i18n where quote_status = 'invoiced' and name ='Facturado' and lang_tag = 'es'; rollback;