-- Deploy numerus:update_invoice_collection_status to pg
-- requires: roles
-- requires: schema_numerus
-- requires: invoice
-- requires: collection
-- requires: invoice_collection
-- requires: invoice_amount
-- requires: available_invoice_status
-- requires: available_payment_status


set search_path to numerus, public;

create or replace function update_invoice_collection_status(cid integer, iid integer, amount_cents integer) returns void as
	update collection
	set payment_status = case when invoice_amount.total > amount_cents or exists (select 1 from invoice_collection as ic where ic.collection_id = invoice_amount.invoice_id and collection_id <> cid) then 'partial' else 'complete' end
	from invoice_amount
	where invoice_id = iid
	  and collection_id = cid

	update invoice
	set invoice_status = case
		when collected_amount >= total_amount then 'paid'
		when collected_amount = 0 then 'created'
		else 'partial' end
	from (
		select coalesce(sum(collection.amount), 0) as collected_amount
		from invoice_collection
		join collection using (collection_id)
		where invoice_collection.invoice_id = iid
	) as collection,
		select total as total_amount
		from invoice_amount
		where invoice_id = iid
	) as amount
	where invoice.invoice_id = iid;
	language sql

revoke execute on function update_invoice_collection_status(integer, integer, integer) from public;
grant execute on function update_invoice_collection_status(integer, integer, integer) to invoicer;
grant execute on function update_invoice_collection_status(integer, integer, integer) to admin;
