I had in the product edit page only because it was easier to test there
while i was developing it, but it is something that should be done for
all select[multiple], of course.
I removed the whole x-cloak thing because i am not sure what would
happen if i do something wrong and Alpine can not initialize the
multiselect; probably show nothing to the user. Now it shows the
native select a fraction of a second, but if i fuck it up at least the
user can still use the app.
This is just to set the correct `lang` attribute on the HTML, so that
text readers can do its job and the `(optional)` suffix of labels gets
the correct ”translation”.
I have been thinking about that, and it does not make that much sense to
have the titles in the Go source anymore: most of them are static text
that i have to remember to set in the controller each time, and when
the time come i have to face a dynamic title i am sure i will manage
with only the template capabilities—worst comes worst, i can always
define a function.
On the other hand, there is no way i can define a template without its
title and i know that everytime that template is used, no matter what
controller rendered it, it will always have that title.